The Battle of the APIs: gRPC vs. REST

Divya Gupta Arora
6 min readMay 12, 2023


When it comes to building APIs, two of the most popular options are gRPC and REST. Both of these protocols serve the same purpose, which is to facilitate communication between client and server applications. However, they differ in several key ways, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll compare gRPC vs. REST and help you decide which protocol is best for your specific use case.

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What is gRPC?

gRPC is a high-performance, open-source, universal Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework. It was developed by Google and is designed to be fast, efficient, and scalable. gRPC is built on top of the HTTP/2 protocol and uses Protocol Buffers as its default data format, which is a language-agnostic binary serialization format.

One of the main benefits of gRPC is that it allows developers to define the interface for their APIs using Protocol Buffers. This means that they can specify the message types, services, and methods for their APIs in a language-agnostic way, and then use the gRPC tooling to automatically generate client and server code in their language of choice.

gRPC supports many programming languages, including Java, C#, Python, Go, and many others. It also offers several advanced features, such as bidirectional streaming, flow control, and load balancing, making it an ideal choice for building high-performance, low-latency, and scalable microservices.

What is REST?

REST stands for Representational State Transfer, and it’s a set of architectural principles that define how web services should be designed. REST is based on the HTTP protocol, and it uses standard HTTP verbs, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, to perform CRUD operations on resources.

REST is often used to build APIs that are simple, easy to use, and widely adopted. One of the main benefits of REST is that it’s based on standard HTTP requests and responses, which means that it can be easily consumed by web browsers, mobile apps, and other HTTP-based clients.

REST also supports several data formats, including JSON, XML, and others, which makes it a versatile choice for building APIs that can be consumed by a wide range of clients.

gRPC vs. REST: Comparison

Now that we’ve covered the basics of gRPC and REST, let’s take a closer look at how they compare in several key areas:

  1. Performance: One of the main benefits of gRPC is that it’s designed to be extremely fast and efficient. It uses binary serialization and compressed payloads, which reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred over the network. gRPC also supports HTTP/2, which allows for multiplexed requests and responses, reducing the latency of round trips. On the other hand, REST is generally slower than gRPC because it uses text-based formats like JSON and XML, which are less efficient than binary formats. REST also relies on multiple round-trips to the server to retrieve data, which can increase latency.
  2. Scalability: gRPC is designed to be highly scalable, thanks to its support for streaming and load balancing. It’s also designed to work well in microservices architectures, where multiple services need to communicate with each other. REST is also scalable, but it can be more challenging to scale as the application grows in size and complexity. This is because REST relies on HTTP, which is stateless, and therefore requires extra work to manage state and session data.
  3. Flexibility: gRPC is highly flexible and can be used to build complex and sophisticated APIs. It offers advanced features such as bidirectional streaming, flow control, and load balancing, which makes it an ideal choice for building high-performance and low-latency applications. REST is more flexible than gRPC when it comes to data formats and can work with various types of data such as XML, JSON, and even plain text. This flexibility makes REST a better option for web APIs, where a large number of clients with different data requirements can access the same API.
  4. Suitability: gRPC is more suitable for internal APIs, especially in microservices architectures. gRPC can be faster and more efficient than REST since it uses Protocol Buffers, which is a binary format for serializing structured data. Protocol Buffers are faster than JSON because they’re smaller, more efficient to encode and decode and use less network bandwidth.

Another significant advantage of gRPC over REST is that it supports bi-directional streaming, where both the client and the server can send data at the same time. This is useful in applications that need real-time communication, such as chat applications, online gaming, or stock trading.

For example, let’s say we’re building an online multiplayer game where players need to send their game moves and receive updates from the server in real time. REST is not suitable for this scenario because it follows a request-response model, where the client sends a request to the server, and the server responds with the required data. In contrast, gRPC’s bi-directional streaming capability allows us to create a persistent connection between the client and the server. This way, both parties can send and receive data continuously, without the need for multiple requests and responses.

Let’s take a look at some code examples to see how gRPC and REST APIs differ in practice.

Code Examples


Here’s an example of a gRPC server and client implementation in Python:

import io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder
import io.grpc.Server
import io.grpc.ServerBuilder
import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver

// Import generated proto classes
import example.calculator.CalculatorGrpc
import example.calculator.CalculatorOuterClass

// Define the server implementation
class CalculatorService : CalculatorGrpc.CalculatorImplBase() {
override fun add(request: CalculatorOuterClass.AddRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver<CalculatorOuterClass.AddResponse>) {
val sum = request.number1 + request.number2
val response = CalculatorOuterClass.AddResponse.newBuilder()

// Define the client implementation
class CalculatorClient(private val channel: io.grpc.Channel) {
private val stub = CalculatorGrpc.newStub(channel)

fun add(number1: Int, number2: Int) {
val request = CalculatorOuterClass.AddRequest.newBuilder()

stub.add(request, object : StreamObserver<CalculatorOuterClass.AddResponse> {
override fun onNext(response: CalculatorOuterClass.AddResponse) {
println("Sum: ${response.sum}")

override fun onError(t: Throwable?) {
println("Error: ${t?.message}")

override fun onCompleted() {}

// Start the server
fun startServer() {
val server: Server = ServerBuilder
println("Server started on port ${server.port}")

// Start the client
fun startClient() {
val channel = ManagedChannelBuilder
.forAddress("localhost", 8080)
val client = CalculatorClient(channel)
client.add(2, 3)

// Main function
fun main() {

In this example, we have defined a Calculator service with an Add method that takes two integers and returns their sum. We've used Protocol Buffers to define the data types used by the service. The server implementation uses the CalculatorService class to define the behavior of the Add method. The client implementation uses the CalculatorClient class to make a remote procedure call to the server. Note that you’ll need to have the Protocol Buffers compiler (protoc) installed, as well as the Kotlin gRPC plugin, in order to generate the necessary code for the service and client.


Here’s an example of a REST API implementation in Python using the Flask framework:

class CalculatorController {

fun add(@RequestBody request: CalculatorRequest): CalculatorResponse {
val sum = request.a + request.b
return CalculatorResponse(sum)

data class CalculatorRequest(
val a: Int,
val b: Int

data class CalculatorResponse(
val sum: Int

In this example, we define a CalculatorController class that handles requests to the /add endpoint using a POST method. The controller's add function takes a CalculatorRequest object as input, which includes two integer values, and returns a CalculatorResponse object that includes the sum of the two values.

Note that this implementation uses JSON for data serialization instead of Protocol Buffers. The @RequestBody annotation tells Spring to deserialize the JSON request body into a CalculatorRequest object, and the response is automatically serialized back to JSON. This is just a simple example, but it demonstrates how easy it is to implement a REST API.


Overall, REST is a great choice when you need a flexible API that can handle a wide variety of data formats and communication styles. It’s also well-established, widely understood, and well-supported by a large number of frameworks and tools. However, it’s important to keep in mind that REST is not ideal for all use cases. In particular, it can struggle to handle large volumes of data or complex transactions, and its reliance on text-based formats can make it slower and more cumbersome than other options.

gRPC, on the other hand, is ideal for applications that require high performance, low latency, and support for streaming and bidirectional communication. It’s also a great choice for building microservices, as it allows services to be broken down into smaller, more manageable components that can communicate with each other efficiently. However, it may not be as well-suited to applications that need to work with a wide variety of data formats or require a lot of flexibility in their communication protocols.

Thank you for reading! However,

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Divya Gupta Arora

Exploring the intersection of technology and other aspects of life. Delving into the latest tech trends, tips and innovations for a seamless, connected journey.