Divya M
2 min readOct 25, 2018

World Mental Health Day – 10 October – is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy.

It is of utmost importance to encourage everyone to look at mental health in a more positive light, in an effort to reduce stigma and make way for more people to seek the help and support they deserve.

Stigma around mental illness due to misunderstanding or prejudice remains an issue even to this day , delaying or preventing people from wanting or feeling able to seek help, and impacting adversely on their lives.

Misconceptions and misrepresentations about those experiencing mental illness are damaging to people’s lives. They may include references to people affected as being ‘scary’, ‘comical’, ‘incompetent’, ‘weak’ or ‘hopeless’ and can appear anywhere.

The reality is the vast majority of people affected by mental illness are able to lead independent and contributing lives in the community, with the right treatment and support.

Those affected, form part of our close circles of family, friends and colleagues, and interact with us in our communities every day.

It’s time to look at mental illness in a different light – a positive light.

So on this, world mental health, pledge to give due imprtance to your own mental health and of those around you!

The theme this year is- Young People and Mental Health. In this light, contribute in your best possible way in the lives of youngsters around you. Lend your support or just listen without judging. There's nothing more reliving, then knowing you've someone, you can always rely on!


#Diva 💃

Divya M

I am the founder of Divya's 'happiness Hive, a practicing Clinical Psychologist, Graphologist(handwriting analyst), Mind Coach, Mentor & Trainer from Bangalore.