Augmented Reality Simplified — The Hustler’s Handbook

Divyam Vora
3 min readAug 12, 2020

The demand for better and faster technology is increasing by the day. In today’s day and age, it doesn’t take time for “new” technology to become outdated. It feels like yesterday when everybody was obsessing over the “new” touch ID feature introduced by Apple in their iPhone 5S. However, it is not a common feature in a phone anymore. Several little-known companies have also started incorporating touch ID features into their phones.

That is the thing about technology, once a new concept is out in the open, it starts a chain reaction, and the only way for a company to get out of it is to make something better.

What is Augmented Reality(AR)?

Augmented reality is where the virtual world and real-world meet. It is the enhancement of real-world objects through the use of texts, graphics, audio etc. A very popular example of AR is the use of Snapchat filters. Many of us have used the dog filter that shows a tongue when we open our mouths. AR enhances the physical environment in many such ways.

But many people confuse Augmented Reality with Virtual Reality(VR).

The main difference between Virtual Reality(VR) and Augmented Reality(AR) is that in VR, you go to an entirely different world. Whereas, in AR, the real world is altered by bringing



Divyam Vora

A new way of looking at things helps sometimes. Learn more about me at Find me on Instagram @divyamvora. Take your step forward with me.