15 SMS Marketing Best Practices You Should Follow in 2023

9 min readAug 2, 2023


Over 90% of Americans always keep their mobile devices within arm’s reach.

You must meet your consumer where they are if you want their attention. That is now included in their texts.

Sending text messages to your consumers with news, updates, and promotional offers is known as short messaging service (SMS) marketing. It’s a quick and efficient approach to speaking with clients directly.

The number of organizations using text message marketing has increased by 27% since 2021, according to Msgclub’s 2022 Texting and SMS Marketing Survey. The study also found that:

  • More respondents (76.6%) use texting than any other phone feature.
  • 53% of customers check their text messages at least 11 times a day.
  • 51.2% of responders react to texts, Within 1–2 minutes.

SMS marketing will continue to operate. But because it’s still a new marketing channel, organizations will have to experiment to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Here are 14 SMS marketing best practices that might help you learn from the achievements and failures of

other business owners and marketers:

1. Develop a strategy

Establish a solid Best Bulk SMS marketing plan before you start texting clients. SMS campaigns require clear messages and SMART targets, just like any marketing initiative. Follow these five easy steps to begin formulating your strategy:

1. Understand SMS marketing compliance requirements:

You must be aware of the laws governing opting in and out, state and federal “quiet hours,” and what you must disclose to SMS subscribers when they sign up before you can design your SMS marketing campaigns. As a starting point, refer to the following SMS compliance guidance.

2. Select an SMS marketing software:

There is no lack of SMS marketing tools accessible today, and each one has advantages and disadvantages of its own. Some effortlessly interact with the other marketing channels or your current email marketing stack. Some target certain niches. Find out which SMS marketing program will perform best for your company by conducting research. Starting on peer review sites like G2 is an excellent idea.

3. Establish your foundation:

Successful SMS marketing begins with defining your objectives and keystones, your offerings, your target market, and why they should be interested in your message. Create messages for signup, welcome, autoresponders, and abandoned carts that match these objectives. Here are a few of the best from prominent brands as examples.

4. Start A/B testing:

Test your messages once they have been produced and personalized, and your software has been connected with your platform and email service provider. You may learn which client groups respond to what and when by using A/B testing. Your SMS campaign might be more effective the more you understand!

5. Develop new strategies:

As soon as your SMS marketing campaigns are up and running, it’s crucial to expand on what’s successful and stop using what isn’t. To expand your SMS list, experiment with fresh messages, tones, personalization, rewards, and more clients. Continuously update and enhance your text marketing strategies to increase their efficacy.

2. Make signing up simple

The more opportunities there are for clients to join up and the simpler the process, the better. Make registration simple on all subscriber devices and accessible through all of your marketing channels. Consider how your social media and email platforms might aid you in attracting additional sign-ups. For instance, many of today’s top businesses employ swipe-up advertisements, stories, or posts with text-to-join language that link to specific SMS landing pages on Instagram. Include additional offers or incentives for opting in, such as reward points, savings, or behind-the-scenes access, to boost motivation. Make sure to maintain consistency and brand identity in all of your communications when you advertise your SMS program.

3. Get consent

SMS marketing is restricted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to those who voluntarily opt-in to receive messages. Before you may begin marketing to subscribers, you must get their express approval. A subscriber’s approval to email marketing does not automatically translate to consent to SMS marketing.

Include a phone number field to request permission everywhere consumers can choose to receive communications, including popup forms, subscription boxes, newsletter fields, and other places. Additionally, let customers know the types of messages they may anticipate from your company. You may say, “Subscribe now and receive a special promo code for 25% off your next order!” or “Subscribe now to be the first to know about our new arrivals.” as an example. Then add a call-to-action button and a box for your phone number.

4. Make opting out easy

Additionally, you must provide subscribers with a straightforward method to unsubscribe from further emails.

Regardless of how appealing your communications are, it’s likely that some subscribers won’t want to stick with your program indefinitely. It’s preferable to gracefully let them leave when they’re prepared to say goodbye to your brand. Making it simple for clients to unsubscribe is where to start. You must provide an opt-out link in every SMS text message you send to clients. Alternatively, inform them that they may reply “STOP” to promptly unsubscribe, as Office Depot did in this instance.

It may seem difficult to use part of your limited message space to let SMS users know they may unsubscribe. After all, the “unsubscribe” button in emails is often tucked away in the message’s footnote in a tiny type. Consider unsubscribing as an opportunity rather than a drawback. You may refine your messaging or marketing strategies for the next campaigns by learning more about which consumers are unsubscribing. Additionally, even if consumers aren’t engaged with your present services, if they’re opening your messages and staying subscribed, they’re probably still interested in your future offerings.

5. Use personalization

Personalization should be a major priority when it comes to SMS best practices (or any marketing best practices). Customer loyalty is built and strengthened via personalization. Whenever possible, address communications to your subscribers by their first names. Send only communications that are pertinent to the receiver if your business is location-bound (e.g., a brick-and-mortar store).

Information concerning sales at Seattle’s Old Navy is irrelevant to Eduardo if he resides in Manhattan. Eduardo would be interested to find that the Old Navy store three blocks away is offering them for 20% off if he frequently purchases his pants there.

6. Identify yourself

The information that jeans are 20 percent off may delight Shubham. He just recently tore a pair! However, if Old Navy doesn’t identify themselves in their SMS message, Shubham won’t know where to locate his next excellent pair.

The upfront brand visibility in their marketing communications is not a concern for other marketing channels. Email campaigns feature a subject line and “from” address; social media platforms have thumbnails and profiles. The transparency of SMS marketing initiatives is lacking. Customers only see a random phone number when they get a text message.

Let your consumers know who you are before discussing flash specials, new arrivals, or appointment reminders like 1–800 Contacts did in this instance.

7. Be responsive

90 percent of all text messages are read by subscribers within three minutes of receiving them, according to a recent Mobile Usage Report. SMS is a very quick form of communication, thus your users want you to provide them with customer support that is just as quick. If you provide two-way messaging and send SMS marketing messages, you must be prepared to answer quickly any queries your clients may have. Your consumers can become disinterested in the offer or perhaps unsubscribe if you take a whole day or even a few hours to react. Ensure that your staff is organized and aware of any communications that can raise inquiries.

You may send your clients a link to a landing page, a FAQ, a customer assistance email address, or a chat forum if you don’t provide two-way communications. Whatever you choose, be sure you’re answering their messages in a timely manner.

8. Be mindful of time zones

Undoubtedly, one of the most important SMS best practices to adopt is time zone segmentation. Before you begin delivering text messages to your mobile users, you must first determine the time zone they are in.

Jake won’t likely be a subscriber for very long if you send him an SMS message at 10 a.m. EST, but he lives in California and it wakes him up. Use customer relationship management (CRM) software that can automatically divide your clients by time zone if you want to be sure everyone receives your message at precisely 10 a.m. in their time zone. You’ll be able to efficiently handle client communication as a result.

Discover additional information about the ideal times to send SMS marketing.

9. Deliver immediate value

SMS marketing is the ideal channel. For breaking big news, like QALO does here.

If the news impresses your consumers as well, you’ll improve their brand experience and foster a sense of loyalty.

SMS marketing aims to motivate immediate and direct action. You’re informing your clients about an upcoming event or one that is currently taking place. You may tell them what you’re giving and how to acquire it in as little as a phrase or two.

Nevertheless, you shouldn’t undervalue a strong call to action (CTA). It’s time to motivate your consumers to proceed after notifying them about your BOGO promotion. Include a link to the page where the deal is being offered, the location of your physical business, or the promo code customers will require to receive a discount.

Track the click-through rates of any links or codes in your CTA to ascertain their efficacy.

10. Offer exclusivity

Everyone desires the sense of having received a great offer.

Marketers are often required to give identical messages and promotions across all platforms while running conventional campaigns. Breaking this guideline is one of our best practices for SMS marketing.

This is why:

Many of the statistics and quotes we’ve mentioned so far emphasize how quick and private SMS messaging is. Customers who choose to receive communications from your business are giving you permission to contact them in the most direct way possible.

11. Speak the language of text

SMS messages often only allow you to type 160 characters, including information about who you are and how to unsubscribe. You may need to use some shorthand in your text message and keep it straightforward. It must nevertheless make sense. Before sending your SMS messages, have someone else read them. You’ve gone too far if part of it is difficult for them to understand.

12. Be mindful of text frequency

Avoid messaging more or less than what your subscribers expect, building on the advice above.

Industry standards recommend sending 2 to 6 texts a month, however, actual text frequency depends on the context of the messages. You’ll undoubtedly send texts more regularly as Giving Tuesday approaches if your nonprofit operates a text-based campaign. Customers may be used to hearing about your restaurant’s weekly promotions at the start of each week if you offer them. You could deviate from tradition and promptly alert your readers when significant business news occurs.

13. Be consistent

Consistency in SMS is crucial, just like it is in most other marketing channels.

The majority of effective SMS marketers schedule their communications on a regular basis.

Customers will anticipate receiving a text message about your weekend discounts on Thursdays at noon if you send one every Thursday at noon to let them know what they can expect. Long-term consumer loyalty depends on developing that kind of consistency and meeting their expectations.

14. Include any necessary disclaimers

Some of them are regulations, so they aren’t just for the sake of text message marketing best practices!

You might need to include disclaimers or legal notices to comply with local, state, or federal laws or regulations, such as:

Rates for text messages and data may apply (although this is less typical today).

  • A link to your privacy statement
  • Your terms and conditions linked
  • Directions for unsubscribing
  • Tell your clients how many texts they may expect each month.

Remember: Be careful what you say since your text messages will come from unusual phone numbers. To prevent your communication from ending up in the spam folder, introduce yourself right away and make it personal. Include safe links that lead your consumers to their intended destination. Additionally, never request transactional information by SMS, such as personal or credit card details. You don’t want to take the chance of gaining a fantastic customer just to lose them as soon as you send them a “sketchy” message.

Follow SMS marketing best practices to transform your business

You have a fantastic chance with SMS marketing to constantly be accessible to your consumers. Plus, compared to communications delivered by email or social media, yours have a significantly higher likelihood of getting read. Because of this, SMS is the ideal ally for your email efforts. Your business may be transformed by using these SMS marketing best practices in your campaigns.

Are you prepared to partake in one of the most well-liked modern marketing trends? Join Msgclub to learn about the top SMS marketing initiatives and get inspiration!




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