Is WhatsApp Green Tick Verification Free: What Is Green Tick Verification On WhatsApp Pricing In India?

4 min readJun 22, 2023

Are you aware that end users cannot directly access WhatsApp’s API? Get Green Tick Verification on WhatsApp by working with a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider.

These Business Solution Providers are compensated by WhatsApp Business, and they charge you a fee on top of the service fee.

Service providers probably also charge a setup fee in addition to a per-message fee. Many solution providers use this established practice. You can utilize the WhatsApp Green Tick verification pricing with select providers, such Msgclub, without incurring any additional fees.

In conclusion, if you obtain the WhatsApp Green Tick verification badge, you will be required to pay WhatsApp and your Business Solution Provider.

How much does the business solution provider charge for the WhatsApp Business Green Tick Verification? Do the Green Tick Verification On WhatsApp accounts have any limitations? It can be difficult to estimate the cost of the WhatsApp Green Tick certification.

Businesses need to be aware about “Green Tick Verification On WhatsApp” to reduce unanticipated expenditures.

In this blog post, we’ll talk about WhatsApp Business API costs and the best partners for company-wide WhatsApp Business Green Tick Verification.

Green Tick Verification On WhatsApp: How To Get Verified

You can use WhatsApp Green Tick Verification on your own if you don’t want to use a Business Service Provider (BSP). Each phase of the WhatsApp Green Tick Verification procedure will be described in detail in this post. You must first have a Facebook business manager account and a WhatsApp business API in order to begin the WhatsApp Green Tick Verification process.

With your business account, you should also have two-factor authentication, once you are done with all these:

  • The initial step in the Green Tick Verification process The company must sign in to their Facebook Business Manager account in order to use WhatsApp.
  • The next process is to select “Business Settings.”
  • Then select “Business Settings,” Go to the “Accounts” section and click “WhatsApp Accounts.”
  • The account you want to verify will be displayed in your list of WhatsApp accounts; click on it.
  • To contact support, select “Settings” and then “Contact Support.”
  • When you are through configuring your options, touch “Ask a question” in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Following that, click “Request official business account status.”
  • Gather the data and submit it all at the end together with the necessary paperwork for the verification process.
  • You are now ready to go; simply send your application information for validation.
  • Additionally, you may check the progress of your requests in your Business Manager account by clicking on the “Direct support” tab.

Wait a few days after submitting your WhatsApp Business Green Tick Verification. Normally, the approval procedure for an application takes 2–4 days. Your WhatsApp company name will instantly have a green tick next to it after you receive permission.

You will have access to a number of useful services for your business as a user of the WhatsApp Green Tick Verification business account that are not offered by regular business accounts.

Alternatively, you can reach 1000 individuals every day to become confirmed with WhatsApp Business Green Tick Verification. Having a WhatsApp Message Template for various purposes will help you obtain this. By carrying out this action, you demonstrate your commitment to the campaign and persuade WhatsApp that you are an engaged user of the platform.

There is a benefit in that you will still have access to WhatsApp business capabilities if your application is denied. As a result, when you are expected to contact consumers, it will display your phone number rather than a WhatsApp business name because you will not have the green tick. Msgclub provides Whatsapp Business API Service in India. To Start Free trial Sign Up Now !!

Frequently asked questions ( FAQ )

1.What is the WhatsApp business API?

WhatsApp Business API is a WhatsApp application that uses API (Application Programming Interface) technology to assist businesses on a wide scale receive, reply to, and contact consumers. The WhatsApp API is intended for medium to big enterprises who wish to use WhatsApp with a large number of users.

2. Is there anyone who is using WhatsApp for personal use?

WhatsApp Business is intended to meet the requirements of small businesses. You can still use your business account for personal correspondence, if you operate a business. However, your contacts will be informed that the communication message came from a business account.

You can also check our other relevent blog Whatsapp Business

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Grow your business faster with Verified WhatsApp Business APIs, and Drive Sales, Support & Marketing Conversations on the Worlds most popular messaging App.