Create Twitter Developer Account & App

Divyesh Ardeshana
2 min readSep 12, 2018


To access Tweepy Python package we need Twitter Developer Account and Twitter App. So, Let’s create Twitter Developer Account then Twitter App.

How to create Twitter Developer Account?

Step 1: Click here ( )

Step 2: Click “Apply”

Step 3: Click “Apply for a developer account

Step 4: Login with your Twitter Account

Step 5: Fill the “form”

Note: Ones your new Twitter Developer account application reviewed by Twitter then they you will send you approval email.

Step 6: Congratulations your developer account ready to rock.

How to create Twitter App?

Step 1: Login Twitter Developer App

Step 2: Click “Your name” on right side top

Step 3: Click “Get Started”

Step 4 : Click “Create a app”

Step 5: Write App name and other details.

Step 6: Click “Create”



Divyesh Ardeshana

2x Salesforce Certified | Python | Learn Data Science | Dubai User Group Leader @divyeshardeshan #LearnSalesforce #SalesforceArticle