Teamgum — Making social networks more relevant

How I filtered selfies and irrelevant stuff from my social feed and made myself more productive

Divyesh Kharade
2 min readJun 20, 2014

At Teamgum we are playing around a feature which will help our users to filter out only links from our social feeds. We all know about how our social feeds are full of selfies, birthday wishes, useless updates which quite a lot of times we would want to skip and go straight to relevant news items and interesting blogs and relevant links and hacks shared.

All one has to do it connect any of our accounts from Facebook, Twitter, Pocket, Evernote or Delicious and Teamgum starts filtering only links from all of these and present it to you in a most readable manner. There is a way in which you can directly share any of the links in your team on a click of a button. (Screenshot below)

Just to give a background, Teamgum is basically a browser extension which lets users quickly share anything they find on the web with their team. Users can start dragging webpages, links, images, videos into this extension to share as well as view what their team has been sharing. We are just making our users discover great stuff from their social networks worth sharing and discussing in their team.

For e.g just today morning we had an interesting discussion on a article found by Neeraj from his filtered Twitter feed, and all of that without any of us leaving our browsing page

A couple of days back we were thinking about continous deployment for Teamgum and this article poped up as a suggestion from Neeraj and we could have a meaningful conversation on it and get things started.

I definitely see a lot of value in discovering links quickly and having conversations around them without loosing interest or relevance.

At Teamgum we have been trying to focus on this problem and helping a lot of teams big and small with effective sharing and communication. This feature will be live in a couple of days and I am hoping all our users enjoy it!

  • Divyesh (Tweet to me @divyeshkharade or @TeamgumHQ to have a peek into it — )



Divyesh Kharade

Co-Founder & CEO @TeamgumHQ | Product designer | Growth hacker | I believe in raising capital from customers!