DIW receives high ratings on expert ICO review and listing websites!

DIW Token
3 min readFeb 18, 2018


The DIW project is here to stay! Not just that, it’s advancing at high speed because we’ve got people’s attention!
Comments are flooding in and they’re great!

Here’s what several different expert ICO rating sites had to say on top of the thousands of thumbs ups we’ve received from individuals:

Track ICO ( https://www.trackico.io/ico/diw-token/#rating ):
Rating score: 5.0 / 5.0
Comments: ‘Well done! Your ICO rating is spectacular!’
Among things worthy of noting was the accuracy and informative nature of our disclosed details surrounding our project, the completeness of our team, our high quality video, the user friendly whitepaper, milestones and strong marketing campaign both on bitcointalk forum as well as the social media.

ICO bench ( https://icobench.com/ico/diw-token ):
Rating score: 4.4 / 5.0
Expert Comments: ‘An interesting project — a promising product and a strong team’
A very hard to please ICO rating site, that is based in its own bot running a specialist algorithm along with a large panel of approved experts. We were credited for our strong team, unique and unprecedented product as well as our forward thinking vision.

ICO marks ( https://icomarks.com/ico/diw-token )
Rating Score: 9.2 / 10
Comments: The high rating (it seems that there is an upwards trend since we jumped from 9.1 to 9.2!) says it all
Its seems that this rating site runs an algorithm that analyses real time public exposure based on the marketing efforts of a project with a focus on Medium and Reddit. It also analyses the uniqueness of the project and the team and advisors.

Foxico ( https://foxico.io/project/diwtoken )
Rating Score: 8.5 / 10
Comments: Favourable comments include the strength of our team and the usefulness of our idea
A very hard to please ICO rating site. We have received their recommendations and appreciate their comments. We will soon be achieving an even higher rating.

Foundico ( https://foundico.com/ico/diw-token.html )
Rating Score: 8.6 / 10
Comments: Favourable comments include the strength of our team and marketing campaign. Of special note are the disclosed details and economics of our project
Another strict ICO rating site — we are working hard to provide a beta version of our vault to our participants as soon as possible. We will soon be achieving an even higher rating.

ICOtoInvest ( https://icotoinvest.com/ )
Rating Score: 9.5 / 10
Comments: ‘We feel that this project is set to be one of 2018’s biggest ICO success stories…
We were really excited to receive the most analytic review of them all via a full 7-page document. Once more, credits were given for our vision, strong team, quality of the disclosed information and currency of our project.

Our project is also featured on Coinhills (https://www.coinhills.com/ico/view/diw-token/ )

All in all, we are really appreciative as well as excited with the reception we are getting and are even more committed to the success of the project than ever! We wish to thank both these rating sites as well as the thousands of our supporters on Telegram, the Social Media and Bitcointalk forum.



DIW Token

DIW is a decentralized infrastructure which enables account holders to safeguard their virtual life while accessing a series of DApps via its network.