how to get your discord authorization token and channel id the simple way


2 min readJan 8, 2024

Hey everyone, glad you’re here! I’m working on a fun project where you can clone any Discord user with AI (not ChatGPT!). But before you can do that, you will need your authorization token. So, I’m making a quick guide on that first. If you’re new to my stories and you like the content, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss what’s coming.

what you need

You will need a computer, Discord account, and a browser, that’s it.

authorization token

first, open your browser, go to, and make sure you’re logged in. Then, go to a place where you can type, like a server channel or a DM. Right-click on the text input, and click inspect (Q), like this

inspect element

then click on the network tab

network tab

and type anything in the text input and something should show up under the network tab

post request

click on that and scroll down until it says Authorization: < and your token will be here>

channel id

Now, to get your channel ID (you can do this in the app if you want), all you have to do is click on user settings, which is the little gear next to your profile photo. Then, on the left, scroll down to advanced and click developer mode at the top.

developer mode

Now, when you go to a channel, you can right-click, then click “Copy Channel ID,” and you can paste that anywhere you need it.

I hope you liked this story, and it was helpful. If you’re having trouble, ask in the comments. If you want to be part of my Discord server, just ask in the comments, and I’ll send you an invite link. the discord channel is mostly about bug bounty (ethical hacking), but we also discuss tech things, including the upcoming story on how to clone any Discord user with AI (not using ChatGPT). See you there!




I'm a teenage hacker, and developer. While most kids my age were playing video games, I was working very hard and doing all I could just to be an ethical hacker