Sri Kalki Bhagavan’s Journey to the Oneness Phenomenon

Diya Shree
4 min readNov 14, 2023


Sri Kalki Bhagavan is loved, revered, and fondly worshipped by millions across the world as a friend, philosopher, world teacher, and Avatar.
Avatars take birth on the planet, first and foremost to help remind humanity of why we are here, so we don’t get lost in a maze of delusion and confusion.

Sri Bhagavan is a spiritual avatar whose singular passion and vision in creating the Oneness Movement has been to liberate humanity from suffering.

Sri Bhagavan spoke about his early childhood and the birth of the phenomenon during one of the sessions with his devotees. Sharing the excerpts from the talk which gives us a peek into the early days of the Avatar, Sri Bhagavan.

Sri Kalki Bhagavan

“Many of you have been to Natham. There I was born, there is a small town where my parents were married. When I was 3 years old a golden ball appeared in that place and made me chant a particular mantra again and again.

It is a Vedic chant used for transformation and energizing. I did not want to chant the mantra but was forced to do so. The golden ball was always before me and made me chant the mantra 24 x 7 hours non-stop that I never knew what my teachers taught in school. I never had time to do anything else but the chanting.

Initially, I was put in an ordinary school and I got very low marks like 6, 8, 10, etc. Then my father took me to a bigger school and the Principal of that school asked my father how he could take a poor student like me. My father said that it was a challenge to be taken by him. The principal was an Irish man and he accepted the challenge and gave me admission there. As I never listened to anything that was going on in class, I was never a great student. Somehow I managed to pass. There was one person in school who observed that I never listened to anything in class but still passed. That was Paramacharya ji.

The golden ball made me chant the mantra for 21 years, till I was 24 years old. After that, it left me. Life became normal and I got married. We soon started Jeevashram school. We wanted this school to be different. The teachers in the school where I studied, were not good enough. Though I did not listen to even one word of what they said in my school, I knew this. I could read the minds of people. Soon Jeevashram became a very famous school.

One day, three students, one Hindu, one Christian, and one Muslim, witnessed the golden ball in Jeevashram. (Today these three people are greatly successful humans and even the U.S. is very keen to keep them and hire them for themselves.) The golden ball spoke to them and said that I was their creator. They came to me and asked. I said that I had nothing to do with it. The golden ball then gave them a mantra and said that they should give it to me. The three repeated the mantra that the golden ball had given them; it was the same mantra that I was made to chant for 21 years.

Then I thought, `Oh, this is it’. Soon the golden ball told me that I should start the work for which I had come here. I said I would start the work only when I had the power to do it.

One day as I sat in the Ashram, I just thought that there should be a strong breeze. Immediately there came a strong breeze. I could not believe it; so I said there should be a stronger breeze. Soon there was a stronger breeze. Then I said that there should be a very very strong wind. There was such a strong wind that the roof of the room was getting blown out. Then I knew that the power had come. I became ready to start the work.

Now I had no idea how to do the Aavaahanam (invocation). It was when the Paramatma Bhagavan in yellow robes, (in the form of Sapeetha vastra sri murti) appeared before me. `Oh’ I said, `this is the form to be taken for Aavaahanam’. Soon this Paramatma Bhagavan was made ready for worship and prayer. This Paramatma Bhagavan had been witnessed by many, even in Texas, even before I was born. Even Sri Bharat Giri Maharaj of Gujarat had witnessed this Paramatma Bhagavan before my birth. Even Sri Amma witnessed this Paramatma Bhagavan before she saw me.That Sri Murti started doing all the work and grace started flowing.”

Students in the Jeevashram school started having mystical experiences like astral travel, experiences of the other realms and higher lokas, and their Antaryamin ( in dwelling divine ) started guiding them very powerfully. Satyalok became the birthplace of the Oneness

phenomenon, millions of devotees and seekers the world over started flocking to the courses to experience thundering miracles and breakthroughs in their lives in Iham and Param, for a taste of higher states of
consciousness, Mukti, and the most precious gift of the connection with their personal Divine guiding their lives every minute.
Infinite gratitude to Sri Amma Bhagavan for coming into our lives and for all the wonderful blessings and benediction!



Diya Shree

Tech enthusiast by day, spiritual seeker by night, navigating life's dualities with a curious heart