Being Noble in the Time of Anxiety

Dmitrij Żatuchin
3 min readMar 12, 2020


What ancient wisdom may teach us on a current COVID-19 pandemic threat, is to be noble and never let disturb you. As Marcus Aurelius wrote in Meditations (Book VII), “You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.”.

The Noble Person

Many centuries earlier, Confucius in his Analects, described the concept of the Noble Person — one who addresses whatever anxieties or fears one feels. To make it full, I need to recall a petty person — one who has a high level of distress (or ch’i), while the Noble Person is the one in balance and harmony (tang). The calm of the Noble Person comes from their scope to have developed their moral quality of goodness so they can act upon it in life situations. The mind of the Noble Person is in line with their inner self.

The mission

Confucius was one of the sources for setting up our life-changing mission — ikigai (jap. reason for being). To recall Analects IV:16, “The mind of the Noble Person is conversant with righteousness; the mind of the small person is conversant with gain.” The world needs to be a safe environment for all actors living in it.

The world needs to be a safe environment for current and future generations. Our mission is to heal the Earth and people through the power of technology.

For many years in our software development firm, we helped founders with a heart to bring to the world healthcare projects, social impact projects, and life-changing software.

Let’s heal the Earth together

Say “Hi!” to the noble self, connect with all things and nature, leave no room for anxiety or fear because it is simply not part of the Noble Person, nor ikigai.

In the time of massive fear and danger, which brought so many people to isolation, we are launching the special Ikigai team, ready to support any tech-savvy initiative to control pandemics and improve the lives of the people locked in the house (update: the team helped to fight fake news and contributed to several non-profits initiatives).

Execution plan

We will take the no-profit-just-cost approach to non-profit initiatives, and beneficial approach to #businessworthy for-profit-for-good solutions. We will work only with professional remote collaboration tools, so brainstorming and delivery are free of the threat.

Our four-point action plan:

a) Partner with open-minded, ready to act founders of #nonprofit or #impactful #techforgood products;

b) Do rapid experimentation with data analysis and reasoning;

c) Conduct remote Discovery Workshops with business analysts and tech specialists;

d) Execute Proof-of-concept or MVP delivery to support or decline hypothesis on improvements.

That should interfere with all good things our friends from events (i.e. @Oxygen2050, Katapult Future Fest, @TheShiftBusinessFestival, TechBBQ, @Arctic15, sTARTUp Day, @Summit ) are working on or bear in mind. We will engage our International Supervisory Board, partners, and clients, so we rapidly build awareness of what we could do together.

As Seneka wrote, Ignorance is the cause of fear. The current challenge is to put aside the thoughts and make decisions with hearts. Soul gurus like Osho or psychologists like Adler, Seligman, Csikszentmihalyi, as well as usual people, come to a similar conclusion — We want to be useful & beneficial for society.

Join our mission, help together to wave the threat.

#dogood #dohelp #dontfear

Photo credits: Aaron Blanco Tejedor, Dmitrij Żatuchin

[If you’re interested in ancient wisdom, read this article]

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Dmitrij Żatuchin

Optimistic believer in meaningful relations, inner-growth and mindfulness. Brings positive vibes to teammates and clients @DO OK — Life-changing software.