Game mode: Tag-team challenge

Dizzy Lizzy Game
4 min readOct 23, 2023


Form teams and work with your team member to spot combinations before your opponents in this dizzying speed game!— This game mode also has a Dizzy Dice game variation.

In this game mode you work together with your partner to complete a valid Lizzy!

In this game, there is only one card in the middle at a time and since you can only lay one card at a time, you need your partner to lay a valid Lizzy! The team that ends up with the fewest cards or makes a special combination wins!

Valid & Invalid Lizzy combinations.

Card mechanism

There is a valid combination if:

  1. All colours are the same
  2. All colours are different
  3. All patterns are the same
  4. All patterns are different

If the Lizzy combination consists of three gold cards, it is a Special Dizzy Lizzy.

The opening table of a game of Tag-Team Challenge.


  1. First, the players make two teams of 2 players!
  2. Shuffle all the cards, each team gets 18 blind cards. All other cards are placed in a blind pile in the middle of the table.
  3. Each team member now opens 3 cards from his/her team’s pile and places them face-up in front of him/her.
The red-dot body is opened and the hunt for a partner combination begins! The top team sees a combination: All different colours! They place their cards next to the red-dots-body card and win this round!


  1. All players have 3 cards face-up. The first player opens the top blind card from the middle pile. Once it is open, the players look for a valid combination they can make with the middle card + one of their open cards + one of their partner’s open cards.
  2. If a player sees a valid combination, the player names it and both players place their cards next to the middle card. The first team to do so wins this round. The losing team must add all cards from the centre to their team’s blind pile. The winning team members each open a new card from the top of their blind pile. Then the next player (clockwise) opens a card from the middle pile for the next round!
  3. The game continues until one of the teams wins by making a Special Lizzy, or playing away all team cards, or until the collective blind pile has no more cards: in that case, both teams count their cards and the team with the fewest cards wins!
Rules are meant to be… discussed!


  • 3 cards open: In each round, all players start with up to three face-up cards that everyone can see. If a team laid a Lizzy in the previous round, both team members may lay open one new blind card from their team pile.
  • Clockwise: The top card of the middle blind pile is each round opened by a different player, in clockwise order.
  • All stuck: If no combination can be made, the next card from the middle blind pile is opened and placed on top of the middle card. All of the cards in the middle go to the first-coming losing team!
  • Team stuck: Seriously? Do you and your partner have all the same body parts open? What are the odds?! In this case, you both get to swap one open card with the middle pile. Oh, and if your team has only one card left, you may reveal one extra card from the middle… Last Lizzy!
Play Tag-Team Challenge with the Dizzy Dice!

Game mode variant: Dicey Tag-Team Challenge!

Tag Team Challenge can also be played with the Dizzy Lizzy Dice. Instead of opening one blind card per turn, players now take turns throwing the Dizzy Dice! This is done as follows:

  • One player rolls the dice per round.
  • This player takes all three body dice (head, body, tail) in his/her hand.
    The player shakes his/her hand and drops one of these dice randomly on the table.
  • As soon as the die hits the table and shows a body part + pattern + colour, the players start looking for combinations they can make with their teammate.
  • When a team sees a combination, the teammates put their cards next to the die. The losing team puts these two cards below them.
  • As in the standard game, the game continues until one of the teams wins by making a Special Lizzy, or playing away all team cards, or until the joint blind pile has no cards left: In that case, both teams count their cards and the team with the fewest cards wins!

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Get Down ‘n Dizzy with us! — Team Dizzy Lizzy



Dizzy Lizzy Game

Dizzy Lizzy is the latest dizzying cardgame from the Netherlands. Get Down 'n Dizzy with us @! 🦎