Game mode: Guessy Lizzy

Dizzy Lizzy Game
3 min readAug 18, 2023


A game of dizzying interrogations!

Will you be the first to guess your opponents’ three Lizzy cards?

‘Who is it?’ with a Lizzy twist! In Guessy Lizzy, two or more players interrogate each other to be the first to find out their opponents’ Lizzy!

How is it played?
Each player has taken a Dizzy Lizzy (head, body, tail card) that meets at least one of the combination conditions. Taking turns, players ask each other yes/no questions to find out which 3 cards their opponents have in their hands.

The Dizzy Lizzy combination conditions: Either all colours the same, or all colours different, or all patterns the same or all patterns different — a Lizzy may satisfy several combinations at the same time. In Guessy Lizzy, the ‘golden cards’ play no special role.

Tip: Try to exclude as cleverly as possible; don’t start with “is your main card red with dots?” — the chance of “yes” is still far too small. Rather, start with a question like: “Does your Lizzy match a pattern-based combination?

Each player picks one head, body, and tail card where the combination meets at least one of the combination conditions. Players keep these cards to themselves. To prevent players from looking for missing cards in the pile, the pile can be divided into 1 separate pile per player to select 3 cards from.

Players take turns asking each other closed questions that can only be answered with yes or no. They may ask 1 question to 1 opponent per turn. By asking useful questions, players try to find out the specific cards (body part + colour + pattern) of their opponents as quickly as possible. As soon as a player manages to fully describe an opponent’s card (“Does your Lizzy have a red head with dots?” — “Yes!”), the opponent puts this card face up. Once all three of a player’s Lizzy cards are guessed and laid face-up then that player has lost.

Game rules
— The lizzy that players take in their hands must meet at least one of the combination conditions.
— Players take turns.
— Players may ask one question to one opponent per turn.
— Players may only ask closed questions (that can be answered with yes or no).
— Players may ask their opponents for one specific card (body + colour + pattern) per turn.
- The last player to have cards left that are not guessed by the opponents wins!

Players may ask opposing players about several specific cards at once, e.g. “Does your lizzy have a blue head with dots, blue body with diamonds, and a blue tail with stripes?” — if the answer is “yes” then the player whose cards have been guessed uncovers all three of these cards.

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Together making Dizzy Lizzy more and more fun trough play, that’s the goal! We continuously share her growth and fun new game ideas, Dizzy Lizzy is also very curious about your experience & ideas! You can find her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Linked-In, and reach us per email via

Get Down ‘n Dizzy with us! — Team Dizzy Lizzy



Dizzy Lizzy Game

Dizzy Lizzy is the latest dizzying cardgame from the Netherlands. Get Down 'n Dizzy with us @! 🦎