M2M Day 5: Trying to get free things

Jeffrey Li
2 min readJan 6, 2018


Jeff’s taken the limitless pill which has led to his 12-month accelerated learning project called “Month to Master.” For January, he’s downloading social/dating skills.

Today’s challenge was trying to get free things:

It’s kind’ve hard being a camera person + doing these challenges at the same time. Wish I could’ve gotten a video of the mexican lady I was talking to. Note to self: I need to stop labeling people by race.

I wasn’t as sharp as I was today compared to the others. In the video, I notice myself get visibly uncomfortable when trying to ask for the free iced tea. However, after asking the first time, I tried to hold my ground and not bail too soon. This uncomfortable-ness lasted the first few approaches, then I got into my groove for the last two.

This brings up a lesson of “state transference.” The premise of this, is that your state will rub off on the person you’re talking to. For example, if you’re happy, your happiness will rub off on the the person you’re talking to. If you’re negative, negativity will also rub off on the person you’re talking to. I was uncomfortable talking to these cashiers and I could notice they got uncomfortable.

Near the end, I ALMOST got something for free at an iPhone case store. The dude was long-curly haired, wearing headphones. Looked hippie-ish. I approached him asking if I could get something for free. He said he can give it to me, if I had a good reason, which I did not have. He then went on a long diatribe on consumer-ist culture in this mall, which confirmed my classification of him as a “hippie.” However, I noticed myself agreeing with a lot of his points. Or maybe, I was still trying to get free shit…..

Anyways, I’m gonna stop typing now since I need to get over this cold. Not doing these challenges isn’t negotiable in my mind. So I’d prefer to do it healthy than sick.

Read the next post.

Jeff Li is saving the world by matrix-downloading skills into his brain. He is …….“The SuperLearner. ”

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Jeffrey Li

Accelerated Learning Fanatic | Data Scientist | Educator