M2M Day 13: Using the “we” statement

Jeffrey Li
2 min readJan 14, 2018


Jeff’s taken the limitless pill which has led to his 12-month accelerated learning project called “Month to Master.” For January, he’s downloading social/dating skills.

Day 13 Challenge successfully complete. I’ve decided that doing the double challenge would be overkill as my body is still weak from the sickness :/

What is the “we” statement?

When having a conversation with a stranger, the “we” statement effectively makes future plans. If you’re having a conversation with someone you both happen to like football, you can throw in a “we” statement like we should go watch the football game next weekend.

This is helpful, in that this shortcuts the back and forth of texting to set up the next date. We already have some semblance of a date planned after the interaction.

What did I do well? I really enjoyed myself today and took my time to enjoy the walk around SF. I realized, that the key to being “good at game” is to just smoothly incorporate into your everyday life. If you can tell someone is out “gam-ing”, then they’re doing it wrong.

I also realized, that it’s important for me to qualify the person I’m talking to. Are they cool? Are they interesting? Are they worth my attention? Even if a woman is extremely attractive, that doesn’t mean she’s cool. She must earn my attention.

I also applied yesterdays lesson of giving value in every interaction and it feels awesome.

What didn’t go well? I notice that I tend to cut people off when talking to them. I don’t let them finish their sentences before I jump in. I’ll have to implement the 1second rule. This means, wait one second after they finish talking before talking.

There also weren’t any cute girls that I saw. So I just talked to everyone haha.

Where can I improve?

Waiting 1 second to respond rather than cutting them off.

Short post today as I’m pooped from a long day of walking. Beautiful day in SF today.

Read the next post.

Jeff Li is saving the world by matrix-downloading skills into his brain. He is …….“The SuperLearner. ”

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Jeffrey Li

Accelerated Learning Fanatic | Data Scientist | Educator