M2M Day 20: Approach 5 people without deliberately going out

Jeffrey Li
1 min readJan 21, 2018


Jeff’s taken the limitless pill which has led to his 12-month accelerated learning project called “Month to Master.” For January, he’s downloading social/dating skills.

Short post today, as it’s late, past midnight. For the rest of this month, my focus will be on completing these challenges while not deliberately going out. My ultimate goal, is to approach people as I’m going about my day.

I was able to squeeze in about five approaches, but I wouldn’t even count these as a direct approach. As these were more serendipitous conversations that I had with random people throughout my day. I’m going to count it, as the purpose is to approach without approaching.

Read the next post.

Jeff Li is saving the world by matrix-downloading skills into his brain. He is …….“The SuperLearner. ”

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Jeffrey Li

Accelerated Learning Fanatic | Data Scientist | Educator