Women’s Body Fat Chart: What It Means and How to Use It

9 min readAug 13, 2023


Body fat is an essential component of your health and well-being. It helps regulate your body temperature, cushion your organs, store vitamins, and produce hormones. However, having too much or too little body fat can have negative consequences for your health.

That’s why it’s important to know your body fat percentage and how it compares to the ideal ranges for your age, sex, and activity level. In this article, we will explain what a women’s body fat chart is, how to use it, and how to improve your body composition naturally and effectively.

What is a women’s body fat chart?

A women’s body fat chart is a tool that shows the average or ideal body fat percentage for women based on their age. It can help you assess your current health status and set realistic goals for improving your body composition.

Body fat percentage is the proportion of your total weight that comes from fat tissue. It can be measured using various methods, such as skinfold calipers, bioelectrical impedance analysis, or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA).

However, these methods are not always accurate, accessible, or affordable. That’s why using a women’s body fat chart can be a simple and convenient way to estimate your body fat percentage without any equipment or professional assistance.

How to use a women’s body fat chart?

To use a women’s body fat chart, you need to know two things: your age and your current body fat percentage. You can find various charts online that show the ideal body fat percentage ranges for different age groups.

For example, according to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the ideal body fat percentage ranges for women are as follows1:

  • 20–29 years old: 14–16.5% (excellent), 16.6–19.4% (good), 19.5–22.7% (fair), 22.8–27.1% (poor), over 27.2% (dangerously high)
  • 30–39 years old: 14–17.4% (excellent), 17.5–20.8% (good), 20.9–24.6% (fair), 24.7–29.1% (poor), over 29.2% (dangerously high)
  • 40–49 years old: 14–19.8% (excellent), 19.9–23.8% (good), 23.9–27.6% (fair), 27.7–31.9% (poor), over 31.3% (dangerously high)
  • 50–59 years old: 14–22.5% (excellent), 22.6–27% (good), 27.1–30.4% (fair), 30.5–34.5% (poor), over 34.6% (dangerously high)
  • Over 60 years old: 14–23.2% (excellent), 23.3–27.9% (good), 28–31.3% (fair), 31.4–35.4% (poor), over 35.5% (dangerously high)

Once you have found your age group and your current body fat percentage, you can compare them with the chart and see where you fall in the categories.

For example, if you are a 35-year-old woman with a body fat percentage of 25%, you are in the fair category according to the ACE chart.

What does it mean?

Your body fat percentage can give you an idea of how much fat you are carrying in relation to your lean mass, such as muscle, bone, and water.

Having a healthy amount of body fat is important for your overall health and well-being, as it helps protect your organs, regulate your hormones, and support your immune system.

However, having too much or too little body fat can increase your risk of various health problems, such as:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Infertility
  • Eating disorders

Therefore, knowing your body fat percentage and how it compares to the ideal ranges can help you monitor your health status and take action if needed.

How to improve your body composition?

If you are not satisfied with your current body fat percentage or want to improve your health and fitness, there are some natural and effective ways to do so.

The most important factors that affect your body composition are:

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Lifestyle


Your diet plays a crucial role in determining how much fat you store or burn in your body.

To improve your body composition, you need to create a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than you expend.

However, this doesn’t mean starving yourself or following restrictive diets that can harm your health and metabolism.

Instead, you should focus on eating a balanced and nutritious diet that provides enough protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Some tips to improve your diet are:

  • Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins.
  • Avoid or limit processed foods, added sugars, refined grains, trans fats, and alcohol.
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.
  • Eat slowly and mindfully, and stop when you are full.
  • Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time and avoid skipping meals.
  • Practice portion control and use smaller plates and bowls.
  • Listen to your hunger and satiety cues and avoid emotional eating.


Exercise is another key factor that influences your body composition.

To reduce your body fat percentage and increase your lean mass, you need to combine both aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

Aerobic exercises are activities that increase your heart rate and oxygen consumption, such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing.

They can help you burn calories and fat, improve your cardiovascular health, and enhance your mood and energy levels.

Anaerobic exercises are activities that involve short bursts of intense effort, such as weight lifting, sprinting, or jumping.

They can help you build muscle mass and strength, boost your metabolism and fat burning potential, and improve your bone density and posture.

Some tips to improve your exercise routine are:

  • Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week2.
  • Include at least two sessions of strength training per week, targeting all major muscle groups2.
  • Vary your workouts and try different types of exercises to challenge your body and prevent boredom.
  • Warm up before each session and cool down after each session to prevent injuries and soreness.
  • Rest adequately between workouts and allow your muscles to recover and grow.
  • Find an exercise buddy or join a group class to keep yourself motivated and accountable.


Your lifestyle habits can also affect your body composition in various ways.

Some lifestyle factors that can help you improve your body composition are:

  • Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep is essential for your health and well-being. It can help you regulate your appetite hormones, reduce stress levels, improve your mood and cognitive function, and support your immune system. Aim for at least 7–9 hours of sleep per night3 and follow a regular sleep schedule.
  • Stress: Chronic stress can have negative impacts on your health and body composition. It can increase your cortisol levels, which can promote fat storage, especially in the abdominal area. It can also trigger emotional eating, cravings, and bingeing. Try to manage your stress levels by practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, or massage.
  • Smoking: Smoking can harm your health in many ways. It can increase your risk of various diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, and lung disease. It can also impair your blood circulation, oxygen delivery, immune function, and wound healing. Quitting smoking can improve your health and body composition by enhancing your metabolism, lung capacity, energy levels, and skin quality.
  • Medications: Some medications can affect your body composition by altering your hormone levels or appetite. For example, some antidepressants, antipsychotics, steroids, birth control pills, or diabetes drugs can cause weight gain or fat accumulation. If you are taking any medications that may affect your body composition, talk to your doctor about possible alternatives or adjustments.

Red light therapy for weight loss

Besides diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, there are some other methods that claim to help you improve your body composition.

One of them is red light therapy (RLT), also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or infrared light therapy.

RLT is a non-invasive procedure that uses low-level wavelengths of red or near-infrared light to penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular processes.

RLT has been used for various purposes, such as relieving pain, reducing inflammation, boosting immune function, and healing wounds.

However, recently, RLT has also gained popularity as a potential weight loss treatment.

How does it work?

The mechanism behind RLT for weight loss is not fully understood, but one theory is that it temporarily breaks down part of the cell membrane of the fat cells, allowing the stored fat to leak out, shrink, and be removed through the body’s natural waste removal process4.

Another theory is that RLT increases blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which can flush out the excess fluid and toxins that contribute to fat accumulation5.

RLT may also boost fat burning and muscle toning by enhancing the mitochondrial function and energy production6.

What are the benefits?

Does red light therapy really work for weight loss? Some of the benefits of RLT for weight loss are:

  • It is painless and easy to use at home. You can find various devices that deliver RLT for weight loss, such as panels, pads, belts, or wraps. You can use them on any area of your body where you have excess fat.
  • It can treat multiple areas at once or target specific spots.
  • It can complement other weight loss methods, such as diet, exercise, or surgery, by enhancing their results and speeding up their recovery.
  • It can improve your skin appearance and quality by reducing cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles, and sagging.
  • It has no downtime or side effects.

What are the drawbacks?

Some of the drawbacks of RLT for weight loss are:

  • It is not a magic bullet that can make you lose weight without any effort. You still need to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine to achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.
  • It is not a permanent solution that can prevent you from gaining weight in the future. You need to adopt a healthy lifestyle and habits to avoid weight regain.
  • It is not a cheap option that can fit any budget. Depending on the device and the frequency of use, RLT for weight loss can cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars.

How to use RLT for weight loss?

To use red light therapy for weight loss, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose a device that suits your needs and budget. Look for devices that have high power density (at least 100 mW/cm2), optimal wavelengths (between 630 nm and 850 nm), large coverage area, and good quality.
  • Prepare your skin by cleaning and drying it. Avoid applying any creams, lotions, or oils that may block the light penetration.
  • Expose the area with excess fat to the red light for 10 to 20 minutes per session, depending on the device instructions. Make sure the device is close enough to your skin (about 6 inches) and covers the entire area.
  • Repeat the sessions daily or every other day for at least 8 to 12 weeks, or until you see the desired results. You can also continue using RLT as a maintenance treatment to prevent fat accumulation.


Body fat percentage is an important indicator of your health and well-being. It can help you assess your current health status and set realistic goals for improving your body composition.

A women’s body fat chart is a simple and convenient tool that can help you estimate your body fat percentage based on your age. It can help you compare your body fat percentage with the ideal ranges and see where you fall in the categories.

If you are not satisfied with your current body fat percentage or want to improve your health and fitness, there are some natural and effective ways to do so. The most important factors that affect your body composition are diet, exercise, and lifestyle.

Besides these factors, there are some other methods that claim to help you improve your body composition. One of them is red light therapy (RLT), which is a non-invasive procedure that uses low-level wavelengths of red or near-infrared light to stimulate cellular processes.

RLT can help you reduce body fat by breaking down the fat cells, flushing out the excess fluid and toxins, boosting fat burning and muscle toning, and improving skin appearance and quality.

RLT is safe, painless, and easy to use at home. You can find various devices that deliver RLT for weight loss, such as panels, pads, belts, or wraps. You can use them on any area of your body where you have excess fat.

RLT can help you achieve a better body composition without surgery or downtime. It can also complement other weight loss methods by enhancing their results and speeding up their recovery. It can also prevent or delay fat accumulation by improving your overall health and well-being.

We hope this article has helped you understand what a women’s body fat chart is, how to use it, and how to improve your body composition naturally and effectively. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below. We would love to hear from you!

