How to think like an investor

Djafri M
3 min readSep 8, 2021


It’s not a strange word for you, investors, it’s common and most of the time it refers to people who are directly engaged with stock activities. Investors are those individuals, groups, or organizations who put their money into a certain property, stock, or bonds that offer great opportunities to grow money in the long term.

That’s the financial definition from a financial point of view, but from my point of view, an investor is more than making money and increasing wealth. I strongly believe that learning the basics of investing is the most guaranteed way to become more successful in your job, house, and society.

It takes courage, wisdom, and logic to become an investor. For example, trading or investing in some particular stocks could be dangerous to your wealth, to overcome the fear and the complications that come with you would need to mentor and develop your investor mentality. The same mentality that helps barry that fears and turn it into courage, in my words to become free of fear.

The reason why we desperately need to have this mentality is that life could be overwhelming and harsh for us. In those times, having an eye for details and future events could be the difference between letting go or standing.

Do not make emotional decisions

The first rule that any investor and trader knows is to never let their emotions take control of their decision-making process. You are an emotional walking human being, whether you know it or not your life decisions were all emotion-based decisions. Whether it was joy, sadness, or anger.

I would love for you to take a moment and remember one bad decision you made in your life, and what was the reason for it. Don’t tell me, but I bet you were so emotional to the point you couldn’t think clearly. Is that right, of course, it is.

Remember, emotions will ruin your judgment

Be the first one who takes action

I’m not asking you to rush your decisions, but sometimes some actions do not need a second thought, especially if it’s a life-changing moment. Yet, make your instant action logical, and as I said before dont ruin your judgment by overthinking, it will make you overwhelmed and confused.

Sometimes, the best decisions are the instant ones, however, make sure you are making the right action and fight for it.


Your personal and business life needs patience, it’s essential for you. Don’t rush, unless, as I said it’s a decision that requires you to make it at the instant. If you only see how having patience in your life will improve everything, starting from your health to your wealth, you will start working on it right now. Well, that is an instant decision you should take, practice patience from now and on.

It builds, courage improves personality, and helps to make the right decisions.



Djafri M

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