Signs of work addiction and the process of fighting it: How to fix your work addiction problem ?

Djafri M
4 min readSep 21, 2021


Being addicted to your work is much more like electricity, there is a positive power, and negative power. But I’m afraid the negative power in this situation is higher than the positive.

If your work addiction causes your relationship problems. Peace of mind problems, mental problems, then you are stuck in that negative force.

I have been addicted to something before, and I tell you from now, it’s not something I support. No matter what kind of addiction it is.

Workaholism is a type of addiction when persons and workers choose to sacrifice their family time to gain wealth or social admiration.

It’s dangerous, it’s human and it’s self devastating, so why do we keep workaholism even if we know it’s the wrong thing to do?

But first…

The difference between work addiction and working hard

There is a thin line between working hard and being addicted to your work, most people think of it as the same.

It’s not

Times are hard, and most people must work harder to provide food to their families, pay for rent or achieve a certain dream. I admire such people. It isn’t easy, it’s difficult but they do it after all.

At the same, most work addicts are financially stable, so there is no reason for the extra work hours. Workers with a work addiction attitude are usually the ones who take their work as an excuse for avoiding existing problems.

It’s an escape route from their personal problems.

It can be relationship problems, wife problems, pursuing social titles or positions, and the list goes on.

If you want to know, ask me.

Back in the days when I couldn’t deal with certain problems, I took movies, tv-series as an escape. I became addicted to them.

Some say it’s not the same, but it is. Because both share the same issue, escaping a problem.

How do you know you are a work addict?

Like most addictions, there are signs. For example, alcohol-addicted people are rare to find sober and always have unstable tempers including rage and anger. Work-addicted signs are usually unseen once and aren’t physical signs.

Work addict usually :

Obsessed with work for the purpose of gaining success or social approval. It’s in human nature to chase titles and higher positions including fame, money wealth and

Working extra hours when it’s not needed, that’s a strong sign of work addiction. Doing that will lead to losing sleep and overthinking about work. Most work addicts find themselves losing sleep and instead of resting, they think of work or working.

Broken promises to their family, friends, and kids. it’s a classic movie scene and you have probably seen it a lot. when a successful person always breaks his promises to his ten-year-old kid or forgets his appointment with his family. It’s true people with work addiction problems tend to break promises and forget a lot, their focus is entirely on their work, nothing else.

Losing interest in social relationships comes as a result of being a work addict. With all the temptation and the prices that your work provides we unconsciously tend to lose interest in real-life events.

Defensive attitude and coworkers, most work addicts get paranoid about their performance and feel if they stop working much someone else will take his place. They get paranoid and develop an aggressive and defensive attitude against their partners and coworkers.

Lying, most addicts lie, whether they are drug addicts, alcohol addicts, or work addicts. They lie most of the time unless it is a work promise.

Escaping an existing problem, and is the worst sign. Work addicts use their work as an excuse for them, it helps them avoid facing concerning problems. Most people with work addiction problems avoid talking about their personal life including the problems they have. They develop an aggressive attitude or sarcastic attitude, just to avoid facing what they must deal with.

Eventually, they will deal with their problems, or their problems will affect them mentally and sometimes physically.

Fighting addiction

If you have work addiction signs, it’s in your best interest to start treating yourself now. If you think getting rid of work addiction problems is going to be easy, then you are wrong. You are going to experience mixed feelings and struggles, most nights it will be hard to fight the temptation of working or shutting down the noise in your head.

It takes great patience and strong will, that’s why it’s recommended to visit a psychology or apprentice one. A person who is capable of stopping you from getting back to your old work habits when you can’t yourself.

Family and friends help significantly and send joy to your heart and soul.

Changing scenes is one of the best ways to fight old habits because they help you develop new habits.

For me my treatment was to put it all in words, I wrote a lot even if I didn’t know how to write properly due to the fact I’m not a native speaker. But with time it became fun, interesting and I even started a career as a freelance content-writer and now I’m starting a whole new experience on Medium.

The bottom line finds what you love instead of being addicted to what you don’t love. Share the experience with your close ones and be more open to talking.



Djafri M

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