Perhaps the Job Description is the problem Not A Shortage of Programmer Talent

If you can't hire good Programmers, cultivate them from within

Timothy Mugayi
5 min readFeb 25, 2020
Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay

Software development companies are facing a shortage of skilled software development candidates for the growing number of jobs. A quick google search shows multiple sources stating and claiming this to be a trend. , An estimated 1~ million technology jobs will go unfilled by 2020, according to a report put forth by Microsoft in 2012, but does this really mean we truly have a shortage of talent?

Based on my experience and observation, many non-traditional programmers are self-taught and do not hold a traditional computer science degree but can very well get the job done. Most of the programmers I work with never came from such a background but were either self-taught or branched into the field through certification.

Some of these programmers are an untapped talent that can be trained as they may be receptive to learning and usually never get the opportunity to showcase their abilities just cause they don't fit the filtering criteria based on education. One of the key things that has worked in the past for me is to drop some of these untapped candidates a quick screening call; sometimes you really never know what you may get — hidden gems lurking in the…



Timothy Mugayi

Tech Evangelist, Instructor, Polyglot Developer with a passion for innovative technology, Father & Health Activist