The Fantasy Reality.

Dj Banns
3 min readNov 11, 2018


/photo/ @Christian Fragnan on Unsplash

We look at reality from a flawed and discounted view because we don't accept the truth of what defines us beyond our understanding of reality.

We have been enslaved to only understand what we know however when we are introduced to new reality we reject it absolutely without a clear distinction of how that specific experience influences us.

On our own we live in our real fantasy but when we have people around us we restrict and break out of our internal instinct to fit the external perspective of what perfect means to them.

For me perfect is different, perfect is refusing to live in the less version of who you are, perfect is understanding beyond your knowledge and finally perfect is just who I am when I'm in adequate even to self.

The world has taught me more from living less of who I am because it believes control, suppression and restrictions gives freedom to their perspective and uplifts the ego to make one feel better.

So we have become attached to live in control, rejection and suppression because that is what our broken self has understood as perfect and normal to us.

Religion has refused to enlighten my spirit and heart to leave free off the wrong perception of how the world around me is.

People meet reality in a discounted view because they have believed themselves less of who they can become in a world that values control even in spaces that they cannot even control.

I talk about my reality and everyone looks at me in disbelief and in amazement about why I would talk about that kind of truth. They reject my words not because it's not right but because they cannot meet themselves in that kind of truth.

Sometimes we just reject everything we are been told and everything around us because we cannot take in such kind of truths in one single moment of reality. We try and allow control and rejection at that time to give us an escape of that kind of reality.

We have refused the only path that will break us from our own wrong perspective about life. We have a burden of the wrong reality about our own life.

Sometimes the end is closer to us than we think but anytime we reject to accept the truth we push it away further to a space that we may never get to unless we surrender the very same thing we derive meaning from.

We don't get to awareness because of lack of surrender to give us a better defination of our own identity and reality. Our lives are much bigger than living in our titles and achievements.

I have refused success to give me an identity and to derive meaning from it, I have also refused failure to define my reality because of my inadequacies. My freedom is beyond my success and my failure.

I'm more than what you see, I am who I am. Beyond the name I am called, beyond my titles, beyond my own achievements to an extent beyond my past and my future. Because I am my present, my now and my only truth at this specific unit of time.

I have refused my definition and identity to belong to time because even that limits me to grow to a better me in a life that is limited by time, perceptions and physical body.

I am free of my body, I refuse it to give me meaning about life, I refuse it to limit my heart and spirit.

I want to go beyond and above my own reality to that space that only holds one truth.



Dj Banns

A Dj, Tv and Radio producer with the love of good written books, poems & songs. I love to share my experiences through writing. IG:DjBanns