One-size-fits-all, silver bullet and we are all in this together

Telling phrases, parts 3–5

Gunnar R. Fischer
1 min readApr 28, 2024

Throughout my work life, I have developed an allergy against certain words or phrases. Today, I want to present three that I have grown tired of recently. I think they are overused to the point that they express the exact opposite of what they literally mean.

“There is no one-size-fits-all” has become a one-size-fits-all comment to appear smart. Watch out for one-size-fits-all approaches that follow!

“There is no silver bullet” has become a silver bullet to the problem of having to display a well-balanced opnion. Beware of a solution that follows and is hoped for as silver bullet!

“We are all in this together” is only worth saying by people who are not in this — whatever “this” is in the first place. If this was true, you would not have to say it. You could act accordingly and everybody would understand it.

Why is this so bad?

I understand that people want to express that context matters, each situation is different and complex challenges can only be overcome if people work together. If that is the intention, please cut the empty phrases at the start. They are too often used by people who have a completely different agenda. You want to be clearly distinguishable from them.

Cook da Books: Silverman



Gunnar R. Fischer

Leader of the Chocolate Guild. I can answer fluently in English, German and Esperanto — you can also contact me in Dutch and Italian.