Earthquake Safety Flyer (Genre Transformation)

Duriel Meisner
1 min readMay 10, 2018


I hate flyers. I hate being handed flyers. I hate lookings at flyers. They make me feel like I’m never doing enough for this world, and they take up a lot of space in my trash because I always forget to recycle them. They are esoteric, monotonous, and not fun to read at all. Additionally, I hate bad design.

Disgusting. I can’t imagine the person who made this wants credit for it.

As a result, I made my own flyer that was simple and fun to read. I changed the name on my phone to say “SFSU Earthquake Safety Council” and then airdropped them to strangers in the quad for an hour.

It’s fun to read, trust me.
Amanda and Cierra will sure be some safe folks in an eartquake!



Duriel Meisner

I am a full time second year student at SFSU, majoring in Cinema. This is where I will publish my research on earthquakes, timidly and anxiously.