Djoe PramonoA Case Study of Date and TimeIn IT, dealing with date and time, can be quite challenging. There are a lot of things to consider and things can be quite complicated…Aug 8, 2020Aug 8, 2020
Djoe PramonoHow to Validate JavaScript Object Better with TypeScriptSo recently I came across a block of code, which sent me thinking for a whole night. The code worked just fine but something about it…Oct 16, 20193Oct 16, 20193
Djoe PramonoThat Simple Guide that Could Help You Get Started with HaskellI have been programming in Scala for a while now, and I love it. Not just because it’s more pleasant to read/write than Java, but it also…Aug 29, 2019Aug 29, 2019
Djoe PramonoHow to Parse JSON in ScalaWell it’s simple really, use Circe 😉.Aug 15, 20183Aug 15, 20183
Djoe PramonoHow to Setup ENSIME in AtomI have been using IntelliJ for developing my Scala applications. It is a very good IDE, and arguably the most powerful one out there…Nov 19, 2017Nov 19, 2017
Djoe PramonoDocker and Isomorphic React App in Node 4So recently we inherited an isomorphic react application that was “a bit” outdated. It was developed in Node 4, hadn’t been touched for a…Oct 31, 2017Oct 31, 2017
Djoe PramonoKotlin with Android Studio 2.3.3So, I was trying to learn how to build an Android app with Kotlin using Android Studio. The app is meant to grab data via a REST call and…Sep 8, 2017Sep 8, 2017
Djoe PramonoinCloudBoostModular JavaScript in Different SyntaxesWriting code in a modular way, has a lot of benefits, like: re-useabilty, smaller compile size, faster development time, etc. This is…Aug 16, 2017Aug 16, 2017
Djoe PramonoReact Router 4 GotchasMany of you probably already knew, react-router is now at version 4. It comes with several changes but unfortunately, the tutorials that…May 30, 20174May 30, 20174
Djoe PramonoFedora 25 on Virtual BoxThroughout the years, I have been installing various different Linux distributions on VirtualBox for fun. Recently I just did it again…Jan 23, 2017Jan 23, 2017