2 SIDES: Father and son discuss 2 sides of Trump and politics

DJ Waldow
2 min readOct 13, 2017


I launched a new website today, 2Sides.us.

Here is why …

There are 2 sides to every coin. There are 2 (or more) sides to every story. As a father and son, my dad and I agree on many things … we share many beliefs.

However, when it comes to Donald Trump, we are like oil and water. We don’t see eye to eye. We see things from 2 very different sides.

And this has made talking about Trump — and politics in general — very very tough the past year. In fact, up until September 2017, we only had spoken about politics a handful of times. None of those conversations went well.

Then we spoke. For a long time. A really long time. About Trump. And politics. I detailed our conversation in an article titled, My dad voted for Trump. I did not. Yet we spoke about Trump and politics for nearly 3 hours (and learned a few things).

From that point forward, my dad and I started having conversations about Trump and politics again. Our exchanges have not been all unicorns and rainbows, but they have been civil.

And civility is critical to any meaningful discussion.

What I’ve learned — and continue to learn — is we approach Trump, his Administration, and politics in general through a very different lens … dare I say, “2 sides.” However, in some ways, we agree on more things than we disagree on.

My new site is dedicated to showcasing those “2 sides.”

I hope the content and conversations on this site helps YOU begin having conversations with their loved ones, friend, colleagues, co-workers — people whom you may have stopped talking to since November 8, 2016.



DJ Waldow

Marketing | Writing | Content Creating. Creative. Passionate. Human | @umich alum | LOVE beer, coffee, people & a good smell | #HashtagAddict | ​ Giphy Master