Serlina: A progressive React serverside-rendering framework

2 min readAug 7, 2018


Since Next.js is a lightweight and well-experience serverside-rendering framework, I love using it on my side projects. It saves my time in dealing with the boilerplate code. I write React code, and it just works.

But when I want to use it on a project that runs its own server, something happened. Next.js takes the full control of the http context when app.render is called, while our server has some effects on the context.

I read the codes of Next.js and try to find something like nextjs/core but there is not.

So I decided to make a serverside-rendering framework that without running a server. It only does the compiling, rendering your pages to string. And let your own server to render the string to the client. And keep the well-experience just like Next.js.

This is what Serlina is. Let’s see how the most simple Serlina application is like:

Create a folder structure like:

Your server:

Your page:

Finally, run node index.js and visit http://localhost:8090/page1. You will see the React page.

As you can see, there are two main methods:

  • prepare() Doing the compiling works.
  • render() Render a page and get the rendered string that will be sent to the client.

Unlike Next.js, Serlina needs manually injecting the payload that you use in getInitialProps:

Then you can use the payload:

You can take a deep dive into Serlina through or

You could use it in your existing codebase easily. Just write a new router, prepare() before starting your server, render() a page and return the rendered string to the client. That is. This is why I call it progressive.

Another example is egg-serlina, which is the main reason I create Serlina. It brings the best serverside-rendering solution to Egg.js.




Coding since my 13. Writing JavaScript. Now at Alibaba Inc.