Fuck all of this articles teaching you..

Davit Khaburdzania
1 min readJan 19, 2016


5 surprising lessons or tell you that you don’t have what it takes or maybe you should stop doing X or start doing X. All thous ideas and words float in my head and interfere with my thinking. Worst thing is that this ideas change every day everyone has its own point of view and its own way to fix things.

From now on I dare myself to stop reading all this stuff and go out there to figure things out myself. Articles and other people thoughts will not bring me the answers I am searching for, I have experience and find them myself, I must learn how to fail and stand up quickly.

If you want to be entrepreneur, reading articles about it again and again wont bring you result. You have to go out there and start your startup or business and fail many times to learn how to stand up easily.

Or maybe your plan is read 100 Books in this year.. go and start reading them right now and devote every day to that Idea

