Decoding 10,000 steps a day…….

Nikita Meel
2 min readJun 5, 2023


Let's walk for life

The concept of 10,000 steps a day was first introduced in 1964 Tokyo olympics as a part of the marketing campaign for a pedometer of a Japanese company in 1965 . The device was named as MANPO-KEI (10, 000 steps meter).

In today’s AI generated era our physical, mental and psychological health is constantly on the path of brisk deterioration.

To pace up with this never ever ending world of competition we barely manage time for our health.

But our overall health is something we cannot afford to neglect. It may not seem a big deal in a short term preview instead it’s something that gonna haunt us on a long term basis.

So, now getting back to the topic mentioned above -walking is the most simplest physical activity one can opt for. Although there’s no rocket science in something as simple as walking but there are a few things that must be kept in mind to make the most benefits of a simple walking…

According to a study conducted by a University of Sydney published in journals JAMA Internal Medicine and JAMA Neurology…

1. 9800 steps hits the “sweet spot” for dementia.

These number of steps were found out to be an optimal dose.

2.Aim to walk faster

The easy peasy lemon squeezy concept of walking becomes far more beneficial if done at a faster rate.

Walking fast accelerates the pumping of blood and it helps the arteries to repair themselves against inflammation that causes diseases.

3.First steps benefits the most

Professor Tin Olds (a behavioural epidemiology researcher at university of South Australia says, “ First 5000 steps pays much more good return than the remaining 5000 ones.”

Walking, somewhat enhances the longevity of our lives. So, walk for your health while you are alive or else people would walk carrying you on the shoulders after you die.

Ahh jokes apart, we all are mortal creatures certain to die one day and it’s completely inevitable but we shouldn’t be foolish to summon that day way too earlier by neglecting our health.

