Fresh 15: My MEGA-Social Experiment

DK Wright
4 min readNov 16, 2014


“It isn’t what you know, it’s who you know.”

The internet doesn’t create quality relationships

I have often bore witness to many friends landing a job with benefits, in great companies and awesome positions. I’ve seen favoritism beat qualification, and experience beat talent; I’d be a fool to tell you that this is where the success starts. This is really a result of numerous doors opening and gears turning. So lets go back to the beginning. When you could have been at the right place at the right time.

Once Upon A Time, there was a young advertising pro-fresh-ional named DK Wright aka ME. I noticed that folks were too busy with technology to be in touch. Especially college grads who put in all this time in college and have hand selected people in their network but are now stuck. Unemployed and locked out due to lacking experience (or gene pool), these millennials were left to their own devices and passions that, for some, led them to create start-ups, pursue several other hustles at once, and even get jobs that have nothing to do with their degrees. I wondered if they had the degree, resources and tools, why weren't things falling into place. Where is the happily ever after?

So I created a specialized networking group in which I gave out tips, held invite only gatherings and held skill shares for people looking to maximize the potential of their network. For a creative person, I’m very critical. Thus, the beta test was a success. None of the cliché networking fails like: unemployed contacts, business owners who cant afford to hire, connecting with the one person who has no clue what the theme is, that guy who just uses this to pick up girls, or that girl who just came for the free drinks.

Nothing wrong with a lil open bar.

Only one issue. The group worked so well that the only thing I have to show for it was my innate ability to vet people. A problem that a lot of people creating startups have is that they don’t know the right people for the job personally and end up hiring a friend that is terrible (see the cycle?). So I decided to take my own advice. Test my process and vet people from 2 degrees of separation (a friend/acquaintance of a friend) for 30–40 days. They say a new habit is formed in 30 days but how about the habits that formed quality relationships with people in your network? The goal: to find out if it’s really who you know and discover how best to navigate your social circles. Uncovering insights about myself and how people interact professionally and personally. I believe your network builds you net worth. Many golden moments in business don’t happen from 9-to-5, they happen off the clock. I was told if I enjoy what I do I’d never have to work another day. I want to prove that if you apply your professionalism to your personal benchmarks, you can meet them. Just Enjoying This LIFE you can be lucrative and successful if your downtime is spent wisely.

So here are some things you should know:

  • I’m currently a digital media manager seeking to go back on to the agency side.
  • I’m selecting 15 associates (from 2 degrees of separation) from my network over the next 12 months. Basically, this ends 2015
  • They must be from at least 2 degrees of separation. I want this to be people I barely know but not complete strangers.
  • Each of #Fresh15 will be have to check-in with me a minimum of once a week and meet up in person a minimum of 4 times over the course of the 30–40 days.
  • Each #Fresh15 gets to be 100% transparent about their life, job and current feelings without any discrimination.
  • I’m taking notes and will release a write up for each of the #fresh15

Sound intense?


So I know what you’re thinking. “How did you come up with this?” “Who has the time for that in New York City?” “What if you find a wife?”

All valid questions.

I thought of this because we rely too much on the net to form quality relationships but then stay at home alone, bored, or wondering where is everyone. Scrolling through your timeline at work, waiting for happy hour and chasing these false expectations of self. This is New York City and anything is possible here. A wife? If that’s the price I pay for being attentive, so be it. 2015 should be a year of surprises and advancement. I simply want to share my journey and get the science right and simple. I might land a dream job, help someone in need or even learn a thing or two.

If you want to apply for the project (already underway) or have any questions, my email is I would love to hear your thoughts.



DK Wright

1st Gen NYer. Retired Performing Artist turned Creative Director. Fitness, Travel, and Adventure junkie. I Cook, Skate & Mentor too. Welcome!