How to slot a cold heading die?

Long Dong (Bob)
2 min readJul 28, 2023


The process of slotting in cold heading dies involves creating slots or grooves on the die surface to accommodate specific features or shapes required in the cold heading process.

Cold heading die for producing screws from Donglong

Here is a general overview of the slotting methods used in cold heading dies:


Milling is a common method used to create slots in cold heading dies. It involves using a milling machine with a rotating cutting tool to remove material and create the desired slot shape. The milling cutter moves along the die surface, cutting into the material to form the slot. The depth, width, and shape of the slot can be adjusted by controlling the milling machine’s parameters.

Wire EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining):

Wire EDM is a precision machining method that utilizes an electrically charged wire to erode the material and create slots in the cold heading dies. The wire is guided along a predefined path to cut through the material, forming the desired slot shape. Wire EDM allows for intricate and precise slotting, making it suitable for complex slot designs.

Laser Cutting:

Laser cutting is another method used to create slots in cold heading dies. It involves using a high-powered laser beam to melt or vaporize the material along the desired slot path. Laser cutting provides high precision and can be used to create slots with intricate shapes and tight tolerances.


Grinding is a method used to create slots in cold heading dies by removing material using an abrasive wheel or grinding wheel. The grinding wheel is moved along the die surface to cut into the material and form the slot. Grinding can be used to create precise slots with smooth finishes.

The choice of slotting method depends on factors such as the complexity of the slot design, the desired precision, and the material properties of the cold heading die. Each method has its advantages and considerations, and the appropriate method is selected based on the specific requirements of the cold heading die application.

More about cold heading die:

