An Update from Crew’s Founders

Danny Leffel
3 min readMay 4, 2017


To Crew Leaders & Coworkers:

We have news today and I wanted to reach out personally to share it with you. We’re announcing that we’ve raised money from investors to expand and greatly improve Crew. This means that you’re going to see an even bigger effort on our part to improve Crew and make it the best way to keep your whole team on the same page.

Some brief history: Broc and I started testing an early version of Crew with teams 2 years ago. We wanted to build an app that made it easier to organize team communications. It was a complicated problem, but we’ve had a steady approach that continues to this day: We try to speak to as many of you as possible, get your feedback and then build that into the product. The first way we did this, back when the company was only the two of us, was that we added “Crew Support” automatically to every organization. Sending messages to “Crew Support” went straight to my phone, personally. Calling the 800-number did the same. I made myself available 24/7 to answer questions and carefully listened to the problems people told me about and tried to figure out how to solve them in Crew.Fast-forward to today, there are more than 10,000 active teams using Crew who are communicating more than 10 million times each work week. Luckily now, we have a little more help manning the Crew Support line. There’s a dedicated team that continues to listen and respond to every message you send.

The list of feature improvements you’ve been suggesting continues to grow and the backlog is getting bigger. It is clear that you have a shared vision for a really great product and we simply need to hire more engineers and designers to make that happen. So we recently teamed up with two of the best venture capital investors in Silicon Valley, Sequoia Capital and Greylock Partners who have funded companies like Apple, Google, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and Dropbox to name a few! They plus our existing investors, Harrison Metal Capital and Aspect Ventures, wanted me to let you know that they are thrilled to be partnering with us for the long-run. With the new capital, we’re already starting to make more of your ideas a reality. Please keep the feedback coming!

Over the past two years, we’ve spent most of our time and energy trying to improve our product. Most of the new business we’ve seen has been through word of mouth by users like you. Thank you SO much for that. Many of you have referred colleagues and friends to our app and that has made a huge difference in our business. That said, we’re starting a larger effort to get the word out about Crew. It’s time more teams were able to experience the shared understanding that happens when you run a team using Crew. Today’s news is just the beginning of that.

Thank you again for your support. We really owe most of our progress to you, our early users. For that we are grateful and look forward to many years of helping you and your teams have a successful day at work!.


Danny Leffel & Broc Miramontes
Co-Founders of Crew

