Summary of “The Renaissance Diet” by Dr. Mike Israetel, Dr. Jennifer Case, and Dr. James Hoffmann

David Iglesias
4 min readAug 28, 2023


“The Renaissance Diet” by Dr. Mike Israetel, Dr. Jennifer Case, and Dr. James Hoffmann is a comprehensive guide to nutrition, particularly aimed at strength and physique athletes. The book takes an evidence-based approach to dieting, blending scientific research with practical application to provide a nuanced understanding of how different nutrients and eating habits can affect not only athletic performance but also general health.

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Core Concepts

The book argues that optimal nutrition for athletic performance and aesthetics is more nuanced than simply counting calories or macronutrients. It introduces several key concepts:

  1. Energy Balance: The first principle is understanding that losing or gaining weight is fundamentally about the balance between the number of calories consumed and expended.
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2. Macronutrient Balance: Different macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) serve different functions in the body and have different calorie values.

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3. Nutrient Timing: When you eat can be almost as important as what you eat. Eating protein-rich meals and snacks evenly spaced throughout the day can provide optimal protein synthesis.

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4. Food Composition: Whole foods provide not just essential macronutrients but also micronutrients. This ensures a more rounded diet and better general health.

5. Supplements: While supplements can be beneficial, they are the last piece of the puzzle and should not replace a balanced diet.

6. Diet Phases: For athletes or those looking for specific physique changes, the book recommends phasic dieting — cycles of mass gaining, maintenance, and cutting.

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Practical Applications

“The Renaissance Diet” offers practical tips and templates for readers. These templates include recommendations for protein intake based on body weight, suggested carb and fat intakes depending on workout intensity and body goals, and a breakdown of how to distribute these nutrients throughout the day.

The book also talks about the psychological aspects of dieting, acknowledging that adherence is often the hardest part. It addresses common pitfalls and offers strategies to make the diet more sustainable long-term.

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Individualization and Flexibility

One of the standout features of “The Renaissance Diet” is its emphasis on individualization. While the book offers general guidelines, it also stresses the importance of adjusting these based on individual response. Monitoring performance, mood, and physical changes can provide valuable feedback, which can be used to tweak the diet for better results.

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The Renaissance Diet vs. Fad Diets

The book takes a critical view of fad diets, questioning their sustainability and often their scientific validity. It argues that many popular diets work in the short term because they create a calorie deficit, not necessarily because they have found the “secret” to weight loss or muscle gain.

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“The Renaissance Diet” is a scientifically robust yet practically oriented resource for those serious about optimizing their nutrition for athletic performance or physique goals. It offers a multi-faceted approach, tackling not just the ‘what’ but also the ‘when’ and ‘how’ of eating. Unlike many diet books that offer a one-size-fits-all solution, it emphasizes the importance of tailoring nutritional strategies to individual needs and goals. Overall, the book serves as both a comprehensive guide and a useful tool for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the complex relationship between nutrition, performance, and health.

GET “The Renaissance Diet” FOR FREE HERE



David Iglesias

I am a NSCA certified personal trainer and a certified nutritionist through the International Society of Sports Nutrition.