best practices to debug Spark applications

Data Dnyan
2 min readJul 18, 2023


Debugging Spark applications can sometimes be challenging due to the distributed nature of Spark and the complexities involved in data processing. Here are some best practices to help you effectively debug Spark applications:

  1. Enable logging and adjust log levels: Configure Spark to log relevant information at an appropriate log level. You can set the log level using spark.driver.logLevel and spark.executor.logLevel properties. Increasing the log level to a more detailed setting can provide valuable insights into the application's behavior and help identify issues.
  2. Use interactive development environments: Spark provides interactive shells like PySpark and Spark shell, which allow you to run code snippets and experiment interactively. These environments are useful for exploring data and quickly identifying and fixing errors.
  3. Leverage Spark’s web UI: Spark offers a web-based user interface that provides detailed information about the application’s progress, resource usage, stages, tasks, and more. Monitor the web UI during application execution to identify bottlenecks, errors, or performance issues. The web UI can be accessed at http://<driver-node>:4040 by default.
  4. Start with small datasets and sample data: When debugging, start with smaller datasets or sample data to isolate and reproduce the issue. This helps narrow down the problem area and reduces the debugging time.
  5. Use checkpoints: Spark supports checkpoints, which allow you to save intermediate RDD or DataFrame states to disk during the application execution. Checkpoints help in fault tolerance and can be used to analyze the state of RDDs or DataFrames at specific stages of the application.
  6. Debug locally before running on a cluster: Before deploying your application on a cluster, test and debug it locally using a smaller dataset. This enables faster iterations and easier debugging in a controlled environment.
  7. Validate input data and transformations: Check the integrity and correctness of input data. Validate the transformations being applied to the data, ensuring they are as expected. Add intermediate print statements or logging to inspect the data at different stages of the application.
  8. Use breakpoints and IDE debugging tools: If you are using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ or Eclipse, you can set breakpoints, step through code, and inspect variables during Spark application debugging. This allows for detailed analysis of the application flow and variable values.
  9. Capture and handle exceptions: Wrap critical sections of code with try-catch blocks to catch and handle exceptions appropriately. Logging exception details can provide valuable information for debugging.
  10. Use debugging libraries and tools: Spark provides several debugging libraries and tools, such as Spark-Magic, SparkSpy, and Spark Flare, which can assist in tracing and troubleshooting Spark applications. Explore these tools to simplify your debugging process.

By following these best practices, you can effectively debug Spark applications, identify issues, and optimize performance, ultimately ensuring the reliability and correctness of your Spark-based data processing tasks

