Why You Keep Shooting Yourself in the Foot

5 Tips for Breaking the Self-Sabotage Cycle

Erick Lee
3 min readApr 16, 2023
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We all have times when we get in our own way, but some of us appear to make it a habit. In this post, I’ll look at why we self-sabotage and what we can do to break the cycle.

Limiting Beliefs

Many of us have ingrained beliefs that prevent us from achieving our objectives. “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t deserve success,” or “I’ll never be able to do that,” we tell ourselves. These beliefs become self-fulfilling, and we sabotage ourselves without even realising it.

I personally struggled with this for many years. I used to think that I was naturally lazy and that I would never be able to maintain a consistent exercise routine. As a result, I never put forth much effort and always gave up at the first sign of difficulty. I wasn’t able to make long-term changes until I challenged this belief.

Fear of Failure

Many people sabotage themselves because they are afraid of failing. They’d rather not try than risk falling short of their goals. This fear can paralyse us and prevent us from pursuing our dreams.

I’ve definitely had this happen to me. I’ve avoided taking advantage of certain opportunities because I was afraid I wouldn’t be…



Erick Lee

Creative Communicator, Personal Life Experiences, Storyteller, Travel Blogger, Hoop Player, Dog Dad, Real Estate & Construction, & Anything Under the Sun :)