Another Case for Smalltalk

Dave Mason
2 min readJun 16, 2015

When reading Richard’s post on Smalltalk’s lack of switch/case statement, another implementation occurred to me.

In class Object, define the method switch:

^ Switch new with: self

Then in a new class Switch define methods:

with: val
key := val.
done := false
case: val do: block
done ifFalse: [
key = val ifTrue: [
result := block value.
done := true]].
^ result
otherwise: block
done ifFalse: [
result := block value.
done := true].
^ result

Then use it like:

42 = (3 switch
case: 1 do: [ 3+10];
case: 3 do: 42;
otherwise: 17)

which should look pretty natural to programmers coming from virtually any language. It could also be extended to have a caseOneOf:do: to accept a collection of values, and the otherwise: block could take an optional parameter with the original value. For completeness, here they are:

caseOneOf: aCollection do: aBlock
done ifFalse: [
aCollection do: [:each |
key = each ifTrue: [
result := aBlock value.
done := true.
^ result]]].
^ result
otherwise: aBlock
done ifFalse: [
(aBlock isBlock and: [ aBlock argumentCount = 1 ]) ifTrue: [
result := aBlock value: key
] ifFalse: [
result := aBlock value
done := true].
^ result

With the addition of a class method for Switch:

if: aBoolean do: aBlock
^ (self new with: Object new) if: aBoolean do: aBlock

and an associated instance method:

if: aBoolean do: aBlock
done ifFalse: [
aBoolean ifTrue: [
result := aBlock value.
done := true]].
^ result

you would get a cond-like statement form:

if: x squared >25 do: [ "something" ];
if: x negated < 10 do: [ "something else" ];
otherwise: [ "yet something else" ]

This is actually a much more general statement than switch or cond in other languages, since you can freely intermingle if:do: and case:do: methods, like:

(x+3) switch
case: 1 do: [ 3+10];
if: x squared >25 do: [ "something" ];
case: 3 do: 42;
if: x negated < 10 do: [ "something else" ];
otherwise: [ : key | key-5]



Dave Mason
Dave Mason

Written by Dave Mason

Professor of Computer Science at Ryerson University. Interested in Programming Languages, Women in Computer Science, Programming-for-the-test-of-us

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