Top Best 10 Automation Testing Tools in 2024

3 min readDec 15, 2023


I won’t have precise knowledge of the newest tools in 2024 as of September 2021, when I provided my most recent knowledge update. Here are seven extensively used and well-liked automated testing tools, though. Please be aware that by 2024, the situation might have changed and newer tools would have been available:


Selenium automation companies is an open-source automation testing tool that enables testers to create and execute automated tests across multiple browsers and platforms. It is a powerful tool for automating web application testing, but it can be tricky to get the most out of it without the help of experienced professionals.

2. Cypress

Cypress a free, open-source, locally installed Test Runner and Dashboard Service for recording your tests. It is a front-end and back-end Cypress automation tool built for the next generation of modern web applications.

3. Katalon Productions:

A complete platform for online, API, mobile, and desktop automation testing companies is offered by Katalon Studio. It is renowned for both scriptless automation and an intuitive user interface.

4. TestFinished:

Testing of desktop, mobile, and online applications is done with TestComplete. It is renowned for its adaptability, compatibility with a wide range of scripting languages, and extensive testing capabilities.

5. Appium

Appium is a well-liked open-source tool for automating mobile app development that supports testing native, hybrid, and mobile web applications on both the iOS and Android platforms.

6. Postman:

Postman is a popular tool for API development and testing, providing an easy-to-use interface for organising and generating environments, collections, and tests.

7. Ranorex:

Ranorex is well-known for its ability to automate GUI tests for desktop, mobile, and web applications. It provides a codeless automation method that is appropriate for novices and experts alike.

8. Protractor:

Protractor Testing companies is intended exclusively for use with Angular and AngularJS apps. It also makes use of WebDriver and provides integrated test runners for JavaScript programs.

9. JMeter:

Apache JMeter is a widely popular open-source tool since it can be used for many different types of performance testing. With it, users may set up performance test scenarios for web apps, databases, and APIs. With its versatility, scripting ability, and strong community backing, the tool may now be used for a variety of JMeter testing scenarios.

10. Playwright:

Playwright Testing Companies is a powerful testing tool that offers contemporary web applications trustworthy cross-browser and end-to-end testing. It is supported by AutomationQA and offers many features, including auto-wait, resilience, test trace recording, and more.

By 2024, please be sure to look into the most recent assessments and developments in the testing community to find the Best QA Automation Testing Services Companies that can meet the needs of your specific project. It’s possible that better solutions have been discovered by then because techniques and technologies are constantly evolving.




AutomationQA is the leading research firm that lists the best automation service providers from all across the world.