The Case for Universal Consciousness

3 min readAug 25, 2023


Consciousness remains an enigma in modern science. The subjective qualities of experience — our feelings, emotions, perceptions — seem utterly unlike anything else in the material universe. Yet orthodox science insists consciousness is nothing but brain states, implying it emerged accidentally rather than being woven into reality. This common view warrants critique. There are compelling reasons to consider consciousness intrinsic to existence itself.

The Reality of Subjectivity

We must begin from the sheer fact of consciousness. Our inner awareness overflows with sensations, meanings, and qualia — an undeniable subjective perspective. Physicalism cannot explain how material neurons generate feelings and intentionality. This “hard problem” reveals the limits of reductionism. And if consciousness merely reflects brain states, is it not rendered causally superfluous? Consciousness becomes an impotent epiphenomenon, not an essential driver of behavior.

These flaws should give us pause. Perhaps consciousness is not some bizarre neurological fluke but rather a universal quality built into the fabric of reality. On this view, consciousness is an irreducible and fundamental aspect of existence — as inherent as mass, charge, or space-time. Our subjective awareness provides a window into the nature of the cosmos.

The Intelligibility of Reality

This notion of universal consciousness resonates with our ability as conscious beings to systematically comprehend the universe through science. If consciousness were merely an aberrant brain phenomenon, it seems unlikely our subjective minds would so clearly unlock the workings of objective reality. But since consciousness is woven into existence, our scientific insights resonate with the lawful patterns of a conscious reality. We are manifestations of the conscious intelligence at the heart of the cosmos.

This perspective also explains the continuity of consciousness between different physical forms — from protons to brains to ecosystems. Their common capacities for experience and integration reflect a shared grounding in a universal conscious substrate, expressed through different structures.

Implications for Purpose and Meaning

Viewing consciousness as irreducible confers existence with inherent purpose and significance. Mind is intrinsic to nature, not just an ephemeral accident. We are at home in the universe because we are microcosms of its conscious essence. This metaphysical perspective remains scientifically unprovable yet philosophically promising. It deserves deeper conceptual exploration to assess its coherence and explanatory potential beyond physicalism’s limits.

A New Scientific Paradigm

Taking consciousness seriously will require moving beyond today’s reigning physicalist worldview that squeezes mind into brain. Just as Einstein’s relativity upended Newtonian physics, a new paradigm may be needed that recognizes consciousness as fundamental. Of course, we should continue studying biological correlates of consciousness empirically. But consciousness itself cannot be dismissed as ephemeral or illusory without begging the question. Our subjectivity may provide the very clue needed to solve the mystery of existence and our place within it. Consciousness might be the light that illuminates reality’s true nature.


