Quick Overview of New Features in OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo

Dmytro Honcharenko
2 min readNov 6, 2023


OpenAI has introduced GPT-4 Turbo, an advanced version of its generative AI model. Quick summary to save some time:

Extended Context Window

  • Token Limit: GPT-4 Turbo can process up to 128,000 tokens, greatly increasing the amount of information it can consider in one interaction.

Improved Developer Control

  • JSON Load: Developers can now input data in JSON format, allowing for structured data to be easily parsed by the model.
  • Reproducible Outputs: The API can be configured to provide consistent responses to the same input, enhancing reliability.

Updated Knowledge Base

  • Timeliness: GPT-4 Turbo incorporates knowledge updated up to April 2023, providing more current responses.

Multimodal Capabilities

  • Image Processing: The model supports image inputs alongside text, enabling it to understand and generate content that combines visual and textual information.

Integration of DALL•E 3 and Visual Understanding

  • DALL•E 3 API: This API is integrated for generating images from textual descriptions.
  • Visual Comprehension: GPT-4 Turbo can now interpret visual content, adding a new dimension to AI-assisted tasks.

Whisper V3 for Speech Recognition

  • Advanced Recognition: The new version of Whisper enhances speech recognition capabilities, offering better performance across diverse languages and accents.

Copyright Shield

  • Legal Support: This feature helps users and developers manage copyright compliance when generating content with AI.

Revised Pricing Structure

  • Cost Efficiency: The updated pricing model makes GPT-4 Turbo more accessible by reducing the cost associated with generating responses.


  • OpenAI Announces ChatGPT Enterprise for higher security and performance needs.

Original post: New models and developer products announced at DevDay (openai.com)

