America was discovered several times before Columbus, but no one was told this

Mihaela Dragu
2 min readFeb 9, 2024


America, the continent that became known throughout the world as the "New World", was discovered several times before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492.

However, these earlier discoveries did not receive the recognition they deserved. History has been written in favor of Columbus, but it is time to recognize the truth and honor the contributions of other explorers.

One of these explorers is Leif Erikson, a Norwegian Viking who reached the northeast coast of North America around the year 1000. Erikson founded a colony called Vinland in what is now Newfoundland, Canada. Even though this discovery was documented in the Norse sagas, it has not received the attention it deserves in official history.

Another explorer who reached the American continent before Columbus was Zheng He, a 15th century Chinese navigator. His sea expeditions reached North and South America, but these discoveries were kept secret by the Chinese government. The reasons for this may be various, but it is clear that America was visited by the Chinese before the arrival of Columbus.

There is also evidence that the Phoenicians, Vikings and other ancient civilizations reached the American continent before Columbus. These discoveries were ignored or discredited because they did not fit the dominant narrative of history.

It is important to recognize these earlier discoveries because they give us a more complete perspective on American history and the world at large. They show us that exploration and discovery were not monopolized by a single individual or a single nation. Instead, they were the result of human efforts and curiosity around the world. By recognizing these earlier findings, we can better understand America’s cultural and historical diversity. We can celebrate the contributions of all explorers and educate ourselves in a more balanced and comprehensive way.

America was discovered several times before Columbus arrived, but these discoveries did not receive the recognition they deserved. It is time to recognize the truth and honor the contributions of all the explorers who reached the American continent before Columbus. Through this, we can better understand America’s history and diversity and celebrate human curiosity and exploration in all its glory.

