Mihaela Dragu
2 min readSep 8, 2023


Revive Your Wood

Three DIY Solutions to Banish Scratches

Wood is an elegant and versatile material, often found in furniture, flooring, and wall coverings. However, its natural beauty is prone to scratches, which can mar its appearance. Fortunately, there are simple and foolproof methods to remove these scratches and restore wood to its original glory. Here are three perfect solutions for banishing scratches from wood:

The Magic of Walnuts on Wood
Walnuts are a natural and direct tool for removing scratches from wood. Crack open a walnut and rub the meat directly onto the scratched area. The natural components of walnuts help fill and color the scratch, leaving the wood surface clear and uniform. Let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe it off with a soft cloth.

Olive Oil Elegance
Olive oil not only nourishes wood but can also help remove superficial scratches. Dip a cotton ball into olive oil and gently rub it on the scratched area. The oil will penetrate the wood, making it shiny and minimizing the appearance of scratches. Be sure to remove excess oil with a clean cloth.

Wax Crayon Wonder
Wax crayons are another household remedy for wood scratches. Choose a color that matches your wood's shade and color over the scratch. Next, melt a small piece of the crayon using a double boiler and pour it into the scratch, allowing it to dry. This method is particularly useful for deep scratches or areas where the wood's color has been compromised.

In Conclusion
Removing scratches from wood doesn't necessarily require the intervention of experts or expensive products. With these three simple and quick methods, your wood will look as good as new in just a few steps. However, it's always a good practice to test these remedies in an inconspicuous corner of the wood before applying them to more visible areas. Revive your wood's natural beauty with these DIY solutions!

