1 min readJun 18, 2017


Of the police shootings last year…. how many were verifiably based on race? Please, do the math for me since you’re the expert.

233 Black people were killed by police in 2016… many were verifiable and provably due to racism and what percentage of police shootings is that?

Jesus, I know your name’s Noise Machine but there’s no need to shout.

To your point, I have no idea how many police shootings were “verifiably based on race” or “provably due to racism.” But unless you’re going to smack down a citation or methodology for your 99.9999% stat, you don’t either. It is virtually impossible to determine on a case by case basis if someone actively chooses to perceive someone as more of a threat because of their race.

And now the argument from ignorance. You doubt his numbers because you DON’T know. That’s my friend is no argument. He tells you (if you willing to listen) that there was NO racially based shooting according to court and investigative finding. That is were the word verifiably comes from. So yes he was putting 99.9*% generously, instead of 100% not racially motivated. In case there was a margin of error in these findings.

Personally I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a cop, that shot because of racism, but again I wouldn’t be surprised that white men getting shot by police have same problem. And I would still not consider it “systematic problem”. You read too much WaPo, I have yet to see anything fact based from them.

