Things I have done with my Apple Watch

Dmitri Bilgere
2 min readJun 30, 2015


This is a simple post about the things I’ve done with my Apple Watch in the two weeks since getting it.

It may help you answer the question, “What can I do with an Apple Watch?”

Here’s some of what I’ve done with my Apple Watch:

  • Said “hey Siri navigate me to X” while driving — and there they were, directions, right on my wrist, with taps telling me turns.
  • Bought tickets to a movie on my iPhone, got to theater, and the scannable code for the tickets popped up on the watch automatically. Scanned it and we were in!
  • Have taken several brief “pick me up now” phone call on my wrist.
  • Set a timer for meditation completely by voice.
  • Held many text conversations, by voice, on wrist, hands free.
  • Looked at screen and saw current outside temp, at a glance.
  • Was silently notified of incoming texts, viewed them at a glance, while walking.
  • Controlled the music in my living room — start, stop, track and volume — from my wrist.
  • Set phone on mantle and used the watch as a remote to take a picture of myself.
  • Added items to different shopping lists by raising my wrist and telling Siri to add them — touch-free.
  • Noticed my iPhone 6 plus screen seems pretty big all of a sudden.
  • Went on a 1.25 mile run, used watch to track heart rate and distance. Cool!
  • Said “hey Siri, what’s my next appointment?” And it popped right up on my wrist
  • Glanced at watch and instantly knew it was too hot to open a window.
  • Have been silently notified of timers and alarms going off, which is really great.
  • Said “set an alarm to call Beth at 6:30” and it did it, reminding me.
  • Controlled volume of music on stereo with watch by opening glance and spinning crown.
  • Said “hey Siri, play ‘quiet music’ to my watch, and the album “Quiet Music” started playing on my stereo (which is what I wanted).
  • Checked my step count easily from my wrist.
  • Controlled Netflix on Apple TV via swiping and tapping the watch.
  • Controlled playing and pausing movie “Jurassic Park” on Apple TV.
  • Controlled all of my Apple TV from the watch.
  • Skipped commercials during a podcast while driving — without taking my hands off the steering wheel.

Ben Thompson, author of, says “You underestimate the value of convenience and immediacy at your peril.” These may seem like small conveniences — and they are — but they are making a positive difference in my life.



Dmitri Bilgere

How to live from inspiration so you are pulled to the life you want.