The Importance of Personalization in Email Marketing Campaigns

Dmitrii Khasanov
3 min readDec 18, 2023


Back in 2018, a survey by Epsilon showed a truth that still holds today: 80% of consumers are inclined to make a purchase when presented with personalized experiences. The question arises: has this dynamic changed over time? The resounding answer is NO. Personalized emails continue to be the preferred choice, shaping a narrative that transcends mere open rates. They signify an acknowledgment and understanding of the audience’s desires, playing a pivotal role in an effective lead nurture strategy.

The impact of email personalization goes beyond superficial metrics. Here are some key ways in which personalization elevates your email marketing endeavors:

  • Personalized emails unleash a remarkable 139% increase in click rates compared to static one-time sends. The tailored touch evidently resonates with recipients, enticing them to actively engage with the content.
  • A compelling report reveals that revenue derived from personalized emails is a whopping 5.7 times higher than non-personalized counterparts. As engagement intensifies, so does the likelihood of conversions, resulting in a surge in actual purchases made.
  • A significant 72% of consumers exclusively engage with personalized messaging, emphasizing the pivotal role personalization plays in capturing and maintaining audience attention.
  • Personalized shopping experiences create a lasting impact, with 60% of consumers leaning towards becoming repeat buyers. Tailoring the interaction not only secures the initial purchase but lays the groundwork for a continued relationship.
  • The frustration threshold for millennials is apparent, as 70% express dissatisfaction when confronted with irrelevant emails. Personalization becomes the antidote to disengagement, ensuring content resonates with the specific interests and preferences of this demographic.
  • A staggering 55% of consumers believe that receiving targeted promotions and discounts would enhance their email experience. Personalized content becomes a value proposition, fostering a more positive and engaging interaction.

To harness the power of personalization effectively, certain best practices come into play. First and foremost, collecting relevant data is the cornerstone. Gathering information about subscribers’ preferences, purchase history, and demographics lays the foundation for tailoring emails effectively. Utilizing an email marketing platform is equally pivotal. These platforms offer advanced personalization features and automation capabilities, simplifying the creation and delivery of personalized emails at scale. Dynamic content insertion and segmentation ensure the right message reaches the right person at the right time.

Lastly, testing and analyzing results forms the linchpin of optimizing personalization efforts. By experimenting with different strategies, subject lines, and content variations, businesses can discern what resonates best with their audience. Analyzing the outcomes allows for data-driven decisions, enabling continuous refinement of personalization techniques to elevate engagement and conversions.

Personalized emails are a big YES for your business’ digital marketing campaigns! If you do not create individual experience in your communication, you are definitely losing clients.

Statistics sources: Litmus, Mailmodo’s State of Email, SmarterHQ, Campaign Monitor, Statista, Epsilon.

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Dmitrii Khasanov

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