NebulaAI — blockhain 3.0 + AI

4 min readOct 21, 2018



Everything that surrounds us in the current civilization is the result of our knowledge, experience and reason. The more we accumulate knowledge and understand how to use them in our world, the more progressive our capabilities become. Thanks to AI, we can expand (speed up) our intellectual capabilities in all sectors of our life.

For example, using AI, we can more accurately predict natural disasters around the world, in health care, from the ability to bring discovery of new drugs to incredible speeds with which machine learning methods become useful in diagnostics (blood tests, x-rays, cancer research, etc.). .d.) Agriculture, education, finance (Banks and fintech companies already use machine learning technology to detect fraud by marking an unusual transaction). All companies, from technology giants like Google, Apple and Amazon to such consumer-oriented Uber and Starbucks, use AI to change customer service. However, large corporations are not the only ones who can benefit from AI.

Scientists are constantly working with AI, trying to find new ways to use machine power to solve certain problems. And gradually specialists manage to advance in this matter.

That is why AI is one of the main tasks that many researchers in our world are trying to solve. In fact, this is a program that can learn and think, without a written algorithm for a specific situation!
But today there are a number of problems with the implementation of which companies meet, people who study and work with AI. One of them is the high cost of this industry.

What is NebulaAI

NebulaAI — blockchain of a new generation, decentralized ecosystem for the development of AI and AI-related services. A distributed computer network also provides high parallelism and low cost of computing power. Thus, the project seeks to create decentralized artificial intelligence systems blockchain.

In simple terms, the nebula is capable of uniting devices connected to the system into a single chain with much greater efficiency and productivity than other similar projects. Anyone can afford to use the facilities for their research, tasks. Thus, reducing the costs associated with AI.


NebulaAI connects the computing power of AI around the world, creating a truly decentralized network, effectively eliminating the need for AI users to invest in their expensive equipment. NebulaAI wants to give everything you need to study the possibility of artificial intelligence at a higher “power”. With the help of NebulaAI, scientists will be able to test their hypotheses and perform many calculations with greater speed than a regular computer. NebulaAI offers low prices, a high degree of protection and security. Because all these qualities have the blockchain technology, on the basis of which the work of the project Nebula AI was built.

Using blockchain NebulaAI, developers can create and run applications based on artificial intelligence. And users will be able to access and use decentralized AI applications (DAI applications) using the NBAI token.

Nebula AI also allows GPU miners to allocate their computing power for the operation of AI applications. This will provide a solution whose cost will be lower than the cloud offers of such giants as Amazon and Google.

NebulaAI cuts computer computing power by 70%!

NebulaAI has created an artificial intelligence training center located in Canada to distribute the latest applications and knowledge in the AI ​​industry and to provide talents to the community.

The NebulaAI project already has its own network called Orion!

The Orion Cloud Platform gathers miners from around the world, converting miners into high-efficiency AI computing power. Providing cost efficient AI computing power for enterprises, AI researchers

The Orion platform include the following:

  • Nebula AI blockchain
  • Nebula AI Wallet
  • Orion Enterprise Cloud Center
  • Community developer Center
  • Orion payment system
  • Aegis Mining Pool
  • Orion AI Worker Installation Kit

The availability of the Artificial Intelligence network, which will allow, thanks to the NebulaAI platform, to speed up, cheapen, simplify the development of algorithms.

NebulaAI also collaborates with the largest community of miners in China, MinerHub

Over the project NebulaAI is a strong team consisting of different areas. Everyone has a great experience and they are great specialists in their field, this makes them true professionals.

Official links to the NBAI project:





Author of the article:


Bitcointalk username : dmitro853


