Blockchain Institute Opens Call for Researchers, Developers & Collaborators

Dmitry Faller
3 min readMay 31, 2017


At Genesis Moscow Conference on May 26, my colleague Sasha Ivanov, CEO of Waves Platform, and I have announced the launch of the Blockchain Institute (BI), which comprises Research and Development Laboratory and the Grant Fund to support Blockchain-related projects conducted by BI research teams.

We’ve decided to establish the Blockchain Institute as it became obvious that the demand for high-quality multidisciplinary studies on Blockchain technology would keep growing at an exponential rate. There is a tremendous need for facilitation of its practical implementation. Thus, the Institute is set to become the center of expertise available for everyone — businesses, regulators, partnering projects, and community as a whole.

The Blockchain Institute is different from other similar institutions in a sense that we are planning to collaborate with existing Blockchain consortiums, institutes, and research centers.

To fulfill this mission, the Institute aims to build a network of experienced researchers, connecting them with developers, businesses, and public bodies. Together, they embark on exploration of Blockchain technology use cases with consistency and depth that of the academic research.

Mika Lammi, Dmitry Faller, Paolo Taska

The Blockchain Institute will also benefit from our well-established connections with Moscow Universities, Russian Academy of Sciences as well international educational institutions, labs and centers. It is utterly important to engage with existing multi-stakeholder organizations and Research Centers in the Blockchain space, both national and international, to ensure collaborative and execution-based research work.

You might agree that technology is not isolated, right? It is integrated into our lives, our daily activities. It shouldn’t be viewed as a separate and independent phenomenon. It is carrying a certain social mission. It triggers substantial changes in the society.

We will see those interested in technology coming to the institute for answers and solutions — it can be state institutions, private corporations — all of them will have a reliable source of information and a platform for collaboration.

Blockchain appeared on the intersection of many disciplines — cryptography, computer science, etc. Those who are already in these field might get interested in studying and working with Blockchain. We want to ensure integration of fundamental theoretical knowledge into practice. Russia has a huge potential and favorable environment for development of blockchain technology. There is a very strong math science and physics school.

Sergey Sholom, Inga Tsokhonis, Dmitry Faller

Art is Me, science is We. The true meaning of science is to cooperate, to unite looking for slutions to general problems. If it is done within one particular corporation or a state institution, there are certain limitations; there are also certain rules, which slow down the development.

What is important for a researcher like I am, for example, — that his or her work gets put into reality. If you want to destroy a scientist, make sure his or her discoveries never get implemented. It demoralizes a lot. Great tasks, great victories, fast implementation is what inspires, what drives scientists forward.

It is not a secret that a lot of scientists do their research mostly because they feel passionate about a certain idea, and financial incentives come second. However, we see a huge potential in the Blockchain industry to actually monetaize the work and discoveries of scientists and developers.

Learn more about the Blockchain Instiute, the R&D Lab and Grant Fund, and apply at



Dmitry Faller

Chairman of the Board at Primalbase, Researcher at the field of Applied Mathematics