Smart Assets

Daniel Succar
4 min readApr 22, 2020

Graphic design. Thats whats on the menu today.

Design. It’s everywhere, makes you want to buy things, see things, experience things. It the join table between you, and the company. In my first few days of being a collegiate design student, my teacher told me that the average consumer will see 2000 ads a day but will actually pay attention to around 20, and retain information from 5–10. Ads are everywhere, commercials, billboards, flyers, FB ads. Ads are EVERYWHERE. But what differentiates effective design, and designs that get overlooked. It can all be boiled down to effective use of the principles and elements of design.

People love effective design, even if they don’t quite know why. It’s the same for the applications that we’re creating. the implementation of simple design principles will make your site more engaging, make it easier to use, and make it a more enjoyable experience.

Now, I suggest that everyone reading this do a quick google search on the principles and elements. But theres not enough time for me to cover all of them. In todays blog we’re going to focus on the principles and element… that I feel can help you the most with your future projects.


its a element of design. an Unbelievably important one at that. It’s the first thing people see when viewing logo, website, or any marketing material. If you saw a boxing gym with pink logo and letterhead, what would you think. honestly, probably a boxing gym for women. Obvious example, but the truth is that we subconsciously associate so much with color. Fast food companies usually use red, cause it actually makes people hungry. Colors mean something. Colors mean everything.

Also usually a good tip to only pick two colors and stick to them, black & white. too many colors gets distracting. Also if your unsure if the colors that you chose go together please do a google search. clashing colors, like red and blue, can drive a designer absolutely nuts.

PS. Use white, use black, but (for the most part) STAY CLEAR OF GREY. (unlesss your making a rainy day site)


is directly related to effectiveness. Emphasize the most important or most used parts of your websites by making them EASY TO FIND, and convenient. In websites its important that you organize your site in a way that the user can get to where they want to go in three clicks. Thats a stretch goal, currently, what you need to be paying attention to, is making sure user can easily access the most important/pertinent information . make it clear and functional. thanks.



incorporates a lot. Im going to do my best to simplify it into a digestible concept. It is what it sounds. make sure you spread things out, don’t put all the text on one page and the images in the other. try to spread out the love. this takes us to:

White Space

The area of your design where theres nothing, yet it’s EVERYTHING. Having things too close together makes the environment fell crowded, and too spaced out can make it look chunky and hard find the information you’re looking for. give your application room to breath, but make sure you keep it together. When utilized perfectly, no one will notice a thing.

Then theres Fedex on a whole ‘nother level:


Refers to how your eyes move around a page. can be minipulated with shapes, colors, lines, ect. Shouldn't have to tell you this, but put most popular features should be seen first.


repeating elements create a sense of uniformity. For us, focus on keeping things consistant, don’t change your color and logo every page.


Creation of movement by utilizing repetition as well as variety of element. Creates almost a dance or rhythm to your art.

so much more to say about all of this. please do your own research. thanks

