The 30-day challenge

Writing a new blog post every day, for 30 days straight

David Tintner
3 min readOct 25, 2016
This is me crossing a bridge. Symbolic right? I thought so too

So it took me 23 days to realize that I should create a single post to list all of the articles that I have written throughout this challenge. So here you go. A list of each day in the challenge and the article that I wrote (or didn’t write).

Just to add a little context to who I am and what I’m doing, for anyone who is just starting to follow along — my name is David Tintner and I started this 30-day writing challenge after I did a little self reflection and decided I wanted to push myself to write more. I also believe that consistency is everything.

I live in sunny and beautiful Tel Aviv with my girlfriend, Shira. I’m also the co-founder of Hacking UI, an online community for designers, developers and creative entrepreneurs. I created Hacking UI about three years ago with my partner, Sagi Shrieber. We worked on Hacking UI as a side project until we grew it to the point that we could quit our jobs and work on it full time.

We’ve grown Hacking UI not to be a startup and certainly not for the purpose of raising a giant investment from VCs, but with the specific goal of being able to provide us with creative and financial freedom. The articles I write are usually related to this, but not always. Sometimes I just bitch about coffee, or share my emotional meltdowns.

The thing I’ve learned about communicating is that it’s a lot less fun when it’s only in one direction. So if you read one of my posts and you like it, or you hate it, or you have a different opinion on it, let me know! Tweet at me: @dmtintner. And for each 💚 you click at the bottom of an article you will earn 10 writing karma points, and I will be eternally grateful to you.

The Articles

I know that your time is valuable, so if you took some of it to read one of my posts, I really appreciate that. I hope I inspired you, or taught you something new, or brightened your day, or perhaps most importantly, made you laugh.

Please feel free to get in touch. I’d love to hear from you.

