Expanding DNA Ecosystem

Introducing RNA Cash into our ecosystem.

DNA Dollar
3 min readJan 30, 2022

RNA Cash

Introducing RNA Cash into our ecosystem.

RNA Cash protocol works similarly with DNA Dollar, but pegged to Cronos native token, CRO instead of USDC.

This will in turn provides more option and use case for our users as well as having higher liquidity within the Cronos ecosystem. more lock in liquidity the bigger Cronos can grow.

Existing DNA Dollar LP will be able to stake into RNA Cash’s Replicator to earn $RSHARE.


Why RNACash?

I keep seeing that Cro-peg coin will solve Cronos liquidity issues, but I don’t fully understand what that means or its implications.”

You may have read that by pegging to $CRO, $RNA hopes to become a highly liquid, mirrored asset.

What does this actually mean though?

As an example, say the dollar is the world’s main medium of exchange. Everything is measured in terms of dollars, whether that’s your wages, or whether it’s the price food or toilet paper
you need the dollars to buy anything, or to the computer store to fix your computer for accessing the blockchain.

But imagine if nobody wanted to use their dollars and instead preferred to keep them under their bed. Since everything is dominated in dollar, there would need to be something out there that is 1:1 “interchangeable” with the dollar, so that even if all the dollars in the world were tucked under mattresses, people could continue to transact freely.

Knowing that whatever they received would be able to be traded in for a dollar at whatever point in time they so desired.

As CRO ecosystem grow. Everybody would start to HODL more and more CRO. Thus, there would be a need for $RNA.
And that’s what $RNA hopes to become for $CRO. Highly liquid , interchangeable mirrored asset.

The protocol’s underlying mechanism dynamically adjusts $RNA’s supply, pushing its price up or down relative to the price of $CRO.


RNA Cash is a multi-token protocol which consists of the following three tokens:
— RNA Cash ($RNA).
— RNA Shares ($RSHARE).
— RNA Bonds ($RBOND).

Launch Details


· 10,000 to initial LP

· 60,000 RNA to be distributed for 8 days via Genesis Pool

Genesis Pool Stake Asset



· $DSHARE Single Token Stake

· $DBOND Single Token Stake


· 20 to initial LP

· Max Supply — 50,000

RSHARE Pool Stake Asset






During RNA Expansion Period (Twap > 1.01):

· 60% goes to Laboratory stakers

· 36% goes to DAO Fund

· 4% goes to DEV Fund

· 14 bootstrap epoch, 4.5% expansion

· No $RNA will be minted during contraction period (Twap < 1.01)

Website: https://dnadollar.com , https://rnacash.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dna_dollar
Telegram: https://t.me/DNAdollarlab
Medium: https://medium.com/@dnadollar

