2018 by the Numbers: What Your Support Made Possible

DNC Mobilization Team
3 min readNov 20, 2018


When you think “grassroots-powered organization,” the Democratic National Committee probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But over the past two years, grassroots supporters like you have seized ownership of this party, and it’s been incredible to be a part of.

You blew us away this cycle, signing up for over 130,000 volunteer shifts to help candidates in your community, helping online content about the importance of voting reach more than 60 million Americans, and contributing 99 million dollars (soon to be 100!) via grassroots channels to help Democrats win.

The best part is that this work didn’t just help elect Democrats in 2018. It started conversations, got more people interested in politics, and helped build the grassroots infrastructure that’s strengthening the Democratic Party for years to come — and making it a party that’s truly accountable to you.

Take a look at what you made possible this cycle — and thank you for everything you’ve done.


60 million Americans reached about the importance of voting in the midterms through our IWillVote program, with a focus on reaching communities of color and sporadic voters (i.e. Americans who vote in presidential elections but not midterms).

2.3 million Americans looked up their polling place on IWillVote.com in the month leading up to Election Day.

15 million text messages sent via DNC-run programs to encourage voters to vote early, return their mail-in ballots, confirm their polling place, and go vote.

1.6 million text messages sent on Election Day alone. Thank you to all of our DNC text-out-the-vote volunteers!

8 full-scale SMS tests run to measure the impact of different messages in motivating people to vote, making us smarter for future elections.


$99 million raised by grassroots donors during the 2018 cycle, making up ⅔ of the Democratic Party’s money raised.

$37 average grassroots donation.

47% of DNC online donors gave for the first time this cycle.

38% more raised online in October 2018 than October 2016, with less than half the number of emails sent. We’ve been working really hard to tailor our emails based on what you like and give your inbox a break. More on that to come soon.

$2.8 million raised directly for Democratic Senate and House candidates with split fundraising via ActBlue.

$213,000 raised from supporters calling DNC Headquarters directly to make a donation.

92% increase in our online monthly donor base this year, helping ensure we can build out our programs early for next cycle.


84,788 volunteers recruited by the DNC and state parties in the 2018 cycle via the volunteer platform MobilizeAmerica, which was purchased for all state parties by the DNC.

134,061 volunteer shift sign-ups through the DNC and state parties.

1.1 million door knocks, 2 million calls made, and 4 million texts sent during those volunteer shifts.


44 cities visited to capture the stories of Democrats running for office across the country, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania to Norman, Oklahoma and Laguna Puebla, New Mexico. Thank you for helping us highlight the incredible candidates who ran for office this cycle.

36.9 million video views telling the stories of Democrats running and organizing everywhere.

37.7 million impressions online in the month leading up to Election Day on Democratic Party social media channels. Thank you for helping spread the word online, and if you don’t already, follow the Democratic Party on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Follow along with the Democratic Party on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.



DNC Mobilization Team

Official Medium of the DNC's Mobilization team, working to elect Democrats up and down the ticket in 2019, 2020, and beyond. Commit to vote: Text JOIN to 43367.