Mysteries of Human Action: How Our Everyday Behaviors Shape Design

Mayank Dobhal
5 min readOct 28, 2023


Ever felt like your day was a never-ending cycle of actions and reactions, a whirlwind of goals and evaluations? You’re not alone.

In our fast-paced world, understanding human behavior is like deciphering a complex code with seven distinct stages

1️⃣ Goal (Form the Goal): It all starts with a goal. But do you know why you set that goal in the first place?

2️⃣ Plan (The Action): Executing the action is the next step, but what’s the driving force behind your choices?

3️⃣ Specify (An Action Sequence): Sequences are vital, but do you consciously plan each one?

4️⃣ Perform (The Action Sequence): It’s showtime! But sometimes, you’re on autopilot. Are you aware?

5️⃣ Perceive (The State of the World): Perception plays a crucial role. Do you always perceive accurately?

6️⃣ Interpret (The Perception): Interpreting your perception is a puzzle. Are you solving it right?

7️⃣ Compare (The Outcome with the Goal): The final stage — did you achieve your goal, or did it evolve?

The Unconscious Cycle

Have you ever found yourself in an endless loop of action without truly understanding why? Many times, our goals are subconscious, actions driven by events, and plans made on the go. It’s like dancing to a tune without knowing the steps. 🕺

❌ Opportunities are missed because we rely on chance rather than conscious planning.

❌ Precision and certainty take a back seat, resulting in inefficiency.

❌ Mental effort increases when actions lack direction and intention.

Solutions to Break the Cycle

🌻 1. Mindful Goal Setting: Become aware of your goals, even the subconscious ones. Make an effort to set clear intentions for your actions.

🛤️ 2. Strategic Planning: Embrace strategic planning for your activities, even the opportunistic ones. Craft a roadmap for your day.

🕰️ 3. Self-Triggered Deadlines: Create your own triggers for action, especially for crucial tasks. Setting deadlines, even if self-imposed, can be a powerful motivator.

Designing for Human Behavior

Understanding these seven stages isn’t just about unraveling the intricacies of human action, it’s about crafting design solutions that align with the way people naturally behave. Products and services that cater to these stages can make a difference. 🚀

In the ever-evolving landscape of design, these seven stages offer guidance. They’re the compass that leads us to enhanced products and services. Innovations aren’t just about making small steps, they’re about reaching the ultimate goal.

The Art of Anticipating Needs

In the intricate realm of design, there’s a pivotal truth — understanding human behavior is the cornerstone of creating solutions that truly resonate. Whether it’s the development of a user-friendly app, a seamless shopping experience, or an ergonomic office chair, the success of a design hinges on its ability to align with the way people naturally behave.

🎯 A Target on Understanding

Designers with a keen eye recognize that their target isn’t just to meet needs; it’s to anticipate them. When you comprehend the seven stages of human action, you hold the key to a treasure trove of insights. You’re not merely responding to a problem; you’re proactively addressing the potential challenges and desires of your audience.

🛋️ The Invisible Hand of Design

Imagine a well-designed chair. It’s not merely a place to sit; it’s a solution to the human need for comfort. When we slide into that chair, it feels like it was created just for us. The design becomes invisible, and the experience takes center stage. That’s the magic of designing for human behavior.

🌟 From Products to Experiences

Consumers don’t just want products; they crave experiences. A product that harmonizes with the seven-stage action cycle doesn’t just serve a function, it becomes an integral part of a user’s life, a seamless extension of their actions and desires.

🤓 The Power of Observation

To design for human behavior, you must be an astute observer. It’s about paying attention to the gaps, and the opportunities for improvement. It’s about understanding the “whys” behind every action and recognizing the unspoken needs. These nuances, often hidden in plain sight, hold the potential to revolutionize design.

🌆 Designing the Future

In an era where technology and human behavior evolve hand in hand, designers play a pivotal role in shaping the future. The fusion of innovation and human-centered design is the driving force behind creating solutions that are not just practical but also enjoyable, not just functional but also deeply meaningful.

🚗 Beyond the Steering Wheel

Take the example of autonomous vehicles. It’s not just about creating self-driving cars, it’s about understanding the psychological and emotional aspects of humans relinquishing control. It’s about designing the in-car experience for a future where people can focus on what truly matters to them.

🚦 Green Lights on the Road Ahead

Designing for human behavior is like a series of green lights guiding the way. It’s about knowing where to speed up and where to slow down, when to provide clear directions, and when to allow for spontaneity. It’s about anticipating the unspoken needs of individuals and society at large.

In the grand puzzle of design, understanding human behavior is the master key. It’s the compass that guides designers in navigating the intricate landscape of innovation. By comprehending the seven stages of action and applying this knowledge to design, we unlock the potential to create solutions that are not just functional but deeply human.

🎨✨Designing for human behavior is the art of understanding the unspoken, the art of shaping the future, and the art of creating experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this content is intended for general informational purposes exclusively and should not be considered professional advice. It is not a suitable replacement for seeking professional guidance and should not be depended upon as such.



Mayank Dobhal

Think.Understand.Re/Create "Think thoroughly, Understand deeply, Create passionately." #connectwithMak